There's so much ambiguity about the natural attacks of druids...
Let's take a 13 druid / 6 monk / 1 fighter.
I've plowed to most of it now and got the following understanding:
At level 4 the unarmed strike goes from 1 W to 1.5 W. With monks this means 1.5[1d6] but to my understanding, when you ideally combine wolf and monk you take the 1d10 base from wolf form to get 1.5[1d10].
form | center | arms : unarmed strike 1.5W | flurry | reinforced fist | disciple of the fist
A. normalform centered wraps : X X X X
B. normalform centered kama : - X - -
C. normalform uncentered wraps : - - - -
D. normalform uncentered kama : - - - -
E. wolf form centered wraps : X X X X
F. wolf form centered kama : X X X(unsure) X(unsure)
G. wolf form uncentered wraps : - - X(unsure) X(unsure)
H. wolf form uncentered kama : - - X(unsure) X(unsure)
I. wolf form uncentered sword&shield : - - X(unsure) X(unsure)
According to the forums, there could be a difference between practically unarmed (because of weapons transitioning to unarmed due to wolf form) and truly unarmed (because of actually wearing handwraps). But I haven't been able to locate this yet.
Can someone who has actually tested this (or a dev who knows) confirm and complete this matrix?
I think this table, when finished, covers most of the cases and would give sufficient insight in the workings of the game rules for me to update the wiki about them.
Related, I assume:
Monk stances just requires 'centered' so same as column 2
Dance of flowers just requires 'centered' so same as column 2