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  1. #1
    Community Member Panzermeyer's Avatar
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    Jul 2013

    Default Need Build Ideas

    I am looking for some help from the build masters here.

    I am dusting off to run with some guildies a 16th level dwarven fighter. I have been thinking about some build ideas to change him up a bit. I had been going stalwart defender. However one of the guildies has a PDK Tank and is much better at intiming and damage mitigation than I. So I thought I would switch it up a bit.
    This is my first life VIP so it is a 32 point build. With +4 tomes all around.

    I still have my +20 stone so I was thinking redoing as a deep splash.

    Some of the basic ideas I think I need.

    TWF with Dwarven Axes since I already have a nice compliment of them.
    Overwhleming critical

    I would like some good saves
    I would like more survivability and a bit of self healing

    There is part of me that would be interested in going 6 monk with Kensei to get centered weapons with dwarven axes. However I have never run more than a 2 monk splash, and I do not suspect I will have a very high wisdom. So I am not sure how well that will work.

    So what I was thinking was potentially one of the following.

    10 Fighter/6 Monk/4 Paladin
    This would give me evasion, faster movement, LOH, divine might better saves, 9 bonus feats, lose out on teir 5 kensei enhancements

    12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Paladin
    Evasion, LOH, better saves, 10 feats, kensei teir 5, would not get divine might till I can twist in turn undead which will be a while

    14 Fighter/2 Monk/4 Paladin
    Evasion, LOH, divine might, better saves, 10 bonus feats

    12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Cleric
    Evasion, limited self healing, divine might, not as good saves, 10 bonus feats, kensei teir 5

    12 Fighter/6 Cleric/2 Monk
    Evasion, best self healing, burst, ameliorating strike, divine might, not as good saves, 9 bonus feats, kensei teir 5, hmm I guess this would be similiar to [] but with evasion.

    I was also potentially thinking
    12 Fighter/6 Ranger/2 Monk
    Evasion, TWF feats for free, Bowstrength, manyshot, etc for free, not as good saves, 9 bonus feats without taking up a bunch of TWF and Bow so essesstially the most feats of all builds, I lose out on self healing for ranged burst damage and a ton of feats

    The ranger version does seem nice, but I am concerned about the lack of self healing.
    The 6 monk seems interesting to try a make a build that stays centered and has faster movement. But again with needing a decent dex, con and str (for TWF and OC) I just don't see having a very good wisdom. Would it still work well?

    Hmm, after writing this the 6 cleric version seems interesting to access the warpriest tree for smites, dm, +10 PRR, burst, healing, etc.

    What are thoughts on all these and maybe build ideas with the above. Or hell something different even along the same lines.
    Panzermeyer - Huge Terry Brooks Shannara Fan

    Jelara Shannara - Dragonborn Caster/Intim/Tank Druid (TR XXI - Barb x3, Drd x3, FvS x3, Pal x3, Rgr x1, Rog x2, Sorc x3, Wiz x3 - EtR XXXI - Epic Completionist - ItR III - PDK x3)
    DamsonRhee Shannara - PDK Swashbuckler
    Challenge Farmer
    Eritria Shannara - Human Swashbuckler
    (TR VII - Ftr x3, Sorc x1, Wiz x3 EtR - Prim x1)
    Kirisin Shannara - Sun Elf Enlightend Spirit Warlock Tank (TR XIV - Barb x1, Bard x1, Clc x3, Fvs x3, Sorc x3, Wiz x3 - EtR XII - Epic Completionist- ItR - MLE x3)
    RueMeridian - Warforged Artificer (TR II - Arti x1, Wiz x1 - EtR II - Primal x1, Div x1)

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Jun 2013


    There are many different acceptable ways to go here, but the general consensus is that 12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Something would be best. Centered with Keen Edge and One with the Blade and Monk Stances = awesome sauce.

    You could go 2 Paladin for saves/divine might or 2 Ranger for Bow Strength/possible fury shot set up or 2 Druid for double strike. Whatever really.

  3. #3
    Community Member Panzermeyer's Avatar
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    Jul 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by kgoodson3 View Post
    There are many different acceptable ways to go here, but the general consensus is that 12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Something would be best. Centered with Keen Edge and One with the Blade and Monk Stances = awesome sauce.

    You could go 2 Paladin for saves/divine might or 2 Ranger for Bow Strength/possible fury shot set up or 2 Druid for double strike. Whatever really.
    I was playing around with the 6 Ranger/2 Monk version and really liked the amount of dodge and double strike I could get by spending some points in the Tempest Tree. With enhancements I would see +100% off hand attacks. And a base +13% dodge with feats and enhancements not including gear. But again the lack of self healing is not optimal.

    The idea of a 12F/6M/2D sounds interesting. It would allow for some limited self healing with Vigor and access to coccoon right away if I started with that destiny. How would the double strike work out with Druid?
    Panzermeyer - Huge Terry Brooks Shannara Fan

    Jelara Shannara - Dragonborn Caster/Intim/Tank Druid (TR XXI - Barb x3, Drd x3, FvS x3, Pal x3, Rgr x1, Rog x2, Sorc x3, Wiz x3 - EtR XXXI - Epic Completionist - ItR III - PDK x3)
    DamsonRhee Shannara - PDK Swashbuckler
    Challenge Farmer
    Eritria Shannara - Human Swashbuckler
    (TR VII - Ftr x3, Sorc x1, Wiz x3 EtR - Prim x1)
    Kirisin Shannara - Sun Elf Enlightend Spirit Warlock Tank (TR XIV - Barb x1, Bard x1, Clc x3, Fvs x3, Sorc x3, Wiz x3 - EtR XII - Epic Completionist- ItR - MLE x3)
    RueMeridian - Warforged Artificer (TR II - Arti x1, Wiz x1 - EtR II - Primal x1, Div x1)

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Panzermeyer View Post
    10 Fighter/6 Monk/4 Paladin
    This would give me evasion, faster movement, LOH, divine might better saves, 9 bonus feats, lose out on teir 5 kensei enhancements
    You would not lose T5 enhs w/this combo, since you only need ftr 8 (GWF) to access Keen Edge + One w/Blade. Your LoHs will suck with only 4 pally lvls, but it would open up Emp Heal for Rejuv Cocoon. The downside is you would lose Power Surge + GWS, which req's ftr 12.
    12 Fighter/6 Monk/2 Paladin
    Evasion, LOH, better saves, 10 feats, kensei teir 5, would not get divine might till I can twist in turn undead which will be a while
    This combo would probably be better DPS in the long run, IMHO, since you would have Power Surge + GWS while keeping DM after you twist in BoU. OTOH, you would lose access to Emp Heal w/only 2 pally lvls; and you couldn't take Exalted Smite, Divine Sacrifice, nor heal amp from KotC.

    I didn't see you list ftr 8 / monk 6 / pal 6; in essence, you trade the extra feat from ftr 10 for Unyielding Sovereignty, plus bump up Divine Favor to +2/+2. You'd also be able to take lvl 6 core enhs from pally.
    The 6 monk seems interesting to try a make a build that stays centered and has faster movement. But again with needing a decent dex, con and str (for TWF and OC) I just don't see having a very good wisdom. Would it still work well?
    If you're not going the unarmed (Stunning Fist) or 10K Stars route, then WIS is largely unnecessary on a monk-splashed build. On the rgr 6 version, you might want Zen Archery so you can take advantage of Master Earth stance; but w/+4 tome that means you only need base WIS 9 to start.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    8 Fighter 6 Ranger 6 Monk actually works very good for TWF as well. 6 Monk + 6 Ranger = 100% off hand attack. Still centered with expanded crit range and monk stances.

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