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PLEASE NOTE: ANY AND ALL USE OF THE WORDS GIMP, GIMPITUDE, GIMPITUDINAL, OR GIMPORIFFICAL IS NOT INTENDED TO ACTUALLY APPLY TO ANY CHARACTERS, PLAYERS OR MINOR DEITIES. I use them merely to raise a question in tongue-in-cheek fashion. I sincerely offer my deepest heart-felt apologies to any game users hurt by my insensitive approach to discussing how magnificently gimporiffical your beloved dark monks are. /note. You may now proceed to your regularly scheduled thread.
It used to be that dark monks got shadow fade at level 6 and then touch of death at 9. Together, these were such a potent combination of offense and defense that to not go dark meant any character with more than three levels of light monk was, to put it bluntly, utterly and irrevocably gimp.
After U19, if you go dark monk you get.... an activatable attack that does paltry damage (and is one of about 5 hotbars worth of activatable damage attacks you can choose from), a few random debuffs, and the ability to waste AP on some ninja poison special moves that you can use once a minute.
Light monks get the healing curse, and the ability to cast a decently boosted mass cure critical wounds approximately once a minute. Plus all the goodies dark monks used to get.
So, am I missing something, or has the gimpitude undergone a complete reversal?