Originally Posted by
By statement, I assume you must have actually meant question. Because, you know, I asked the question "Are dark monks now pointless?" You see that little squiggly thing at the end? (Oh! There it is again!) That's a question mark. It denotes a question.
And hey, thanks for the well-thought out and insightful answer....
Honestly, I'm quite surprised by the anger in some of these responses. Calling me a min-maxer, and telling me to go play a barbarian...? What the heck, dude? I truly thought it was clear that the phrase utterly and irrovocably gimp was so over-the-top as to be obviously not meant to to be taken seriously. You can play any dang thing you want, bro. Knock yourself out!
Oh yeah, and thanks for explaining all the great things that dark monks have over light. I feel so much more informed! Wait, nope. You just cast some veiled insights and then left a lingering stink in the thread on your way out.
Legit thanks to Spencerian and Ayseifn for providing actual information. I assume Ays meant Every Light Casts a Shadow, which seems to be quite nice... if it weren't a tier 5 ability in the Henshin line, which I (and I'm fully willing to admit I am probably missing something) find to be a lot of AP used in a sub-par tree, plus it locks you out of touch of death.
In response to Spencerian, I haven't tried using ninja poison yet as all of my monks are unarmed, and I can't see any way to reliably get ninja poison going to any great degree unless, as you indicated, one uses slashing/piercing weapons. Is that something most monks are doing these days, even after the nerf so it doesn't work with ranged or unarmed? I think it is great that shortsword-using monks have some goodies going for them now, but I still don't see many/any pure monks (implied by your bringing up the Ninja Master core ability) running around using SS or kamas.
If unarmed, then the only way I see to get ninja poison stacked is using the touch of despair finisher and actually successfully landing the finisher (which is a fort save, so pretty high on most mobs) and then using the finisher AGAIN to set off the poison exploit. That's a very drawn out process to get that damage burst. Probably good for bosses, but nigh impossible on trash.
Finally, I should clarify that by dark monk I simply meant taking the Inevitable Dominion feat over Harmonious Balance. Many of the abilities mentioned so far, including all of the abilities in the Ninja tree except the poison exploit, can still be used with the light monk feat. Likewise, almost all of the shintao abilities can be used by a dark monk.
So please, enlighten me oh great, wise, and beneficent forum-densizens on the value of Inevitable Dominion.