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  1. #1
    Community Member burningwind's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default doubleshoot need an update..

    since manyshot will give giving a -100% doubleshot for 70 second after update. there should be an update to doubleshoot to compensate the penalty. doubleshot bonus from shadow arrow and aa capstone should be doubled. (10% and 20% total of 30%)

    archer dps is purely depend on manyshot.. if you put a penalty to it, then perhaps update their normal dps. so we can save manyshot only for the most needed time.

    p.s. 10k star is just as powerful.. why manyshot have way longer debuff time??? 10k star may not be as much burst as manyshot without decent equipment(mostly wisdom), but it's cooldown is only 1/4 of manyshot..

  2. #2
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Hmm, this goes both ways.

    I agree if:
    The character is purely ranger and relies only on manyshot.
    These toons are greatly underpowered, and the range combat needs either (1) massive speed updates, (2) massive damage updates, or (3) massive doubleshot updates.

    I disagree if:
    The character has both manyshot and 10k stars.
    These toons are ridiculously powerful. They can be shooting multiple arrows almost constantly, and deal massive damage with Fury while never even having to get close to their enemies.

    There really is no way, though, to give bonuses to one without the other. The only way of doing this is possibly making the ranger gain something like +20% doubleshot +10 alacrity, +10% damage with bows at level 18 or something. Giving it at level 12 would just mean that people would be able to get the bonuses while still doing a 10k star variation.

  3. #3
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    Range combat is crazy slow when not using manyshot/10k! Something like only 60-70% of the speed of THF. Not even going to start with TWF or unarmed.

    Either give a speed increase based on Str/Dex, or give a +doubleshot chance based on the same.

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Default Yes doubleshot can use an update !!!

    1, Doubleshot debuff needs to be removed from Manyshot all together !!

    2, Leave it for 10k stars or reduce it to 30secs for 10k , Make the debuff only work for bows as to not ruin thrower builds who depend on it !!

    3, Doubleshot needs it's percentages boosted across the board , Especially for pure rangers !!!

    4, I would go so far as to say 30 dex should = 30% doubleshot !! , Doing so would allow people who built for it to get it up to around 110ish area , So a constant 2 arrows with a 10% chance at a 3rd !!!!

    Doing so would allow the devs to breath easy not having to touch projectile speeds which is a problem and creates lagg !!

    It would make pure's allot better without touching monkchers !! , But it would buff monkchers in a sense who get doubleshot as well !! They would still have the dmg , and vast utility + 10k which built correctly is 2-4 arrows for 30 secs as well as manyshot !!

  5. #5
    Community Member Ivan_Milic's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Make debuff longer for 10k but only for bows, remove debuff from manyshot.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Clemeit View Post
    Hmm, this goes both ways.

    I agree if:
    The character is purely ranger and relies only on manyshot.
    These toons are greatly underpowered, and the range combat needs either (1) massive speed updates, (2) massive damage updates, or (3) massive doubleshot updates.

    I disagree if:
    The character has both manyshot and 10k stars.
    These toons are ridiculously powerful. They can be shooting multiple arrows almost constantly, and deal massive damage with Fury while never even having to get close to their enemies.

    There really is no way, though, to give bonuses to one without the other. The only way of doing this is possibly making the ranger gain something like +20% doubleshot +10 alacrity, +10% damage with bows at level 18 or something. Giving it at level 12 would just mean that people would be able to get the bonuses while still doing a 10k star variation.
    Rangers aren't the only archer class, a kensai should easily but more surpass the ranger archer since kensai's are suppose to be masters of a certain weapon. Focusing on a certain class isn't going to solve the issue. Get rid of the debuff with manyshot, rework some of the mechanics of archers like making 10k star having a ranged power 100% debuff or 50% and adding something that other builds have access to in order to compete with the 10k stars, make some ED very viable and an actual archer ED that is the best destiny and not the current FotW that really makes no sense (a beserking archer?) or how it is only one single aspect of the tree that makes it the only ED viable or the LD when the new Blitz comes live. But whatever they do make it where there will be multiple archer variations and not focused on a single class and make an actual archer ED that is competitive if not surpass FotW.

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