with iconic TRs around the corner, I need to start planning ahead: 4 races, each stacks 3 times = 12 lives; just so happens my completionist is missing exactly 12 lives for triple completionist, so now the challenge is which iconic would be best suited for each of the remaining lives?

remaining lives:
2 of druid, fvs, sorc, rogue
1 of wizard, monk, barbarian, arti

some background, I prefer to melee whenever possible, almost always splash rogue for traps and evasion, and self healing is a must have.
not too worried about fully fleshing out the builds yet, just want to be sure I don't end up having to run totally gimped lives at the end of my journey due to lack of foresight

with that in mind, this is what I'm currently considering:
PDK: monk (hamp ftw), fvs x2 (cha greatswords?)
Bladeforged: rogue (using BF recon), Sorcx2
Shadar-Kai: Druidx2, PM wiz. as I'm planning to splash rogue anyways, this will let me get the most caster levels on them.
Morninglord: rogue & barbarian (4 cleric levels for warpriest smite healing), arti (throw-away, getting by on construct essence)

that's as good as I could place them, but any ideas/suggestions/improvements on it would be most welcome