Thinking of creating a wis based 18/2 cleric-monk.
Looking at the enhancement trees, I'm not terribly enamored with any of them. T5 DD is kinda lame, T5 RS is nice for the aura, but the rest of the tree is rather "meh" imo. RS is about being a heal bot it seems.
So.. My thinking was "why bother with the T5's, and maybe pick up more monk enhancements".
Putting points into both ninja and shinto
Shinto : Deft Strikes for 10% offhand proc, and possibly Iron Skin for up to 15 PPR
Ninja : Acrobatic for the dodge bonus, Agility for +3 reflex saves and max dodge bonus
Ninja also lets you use short swords.
The split for Cleric enh could be :
T4 DD for the SLA, Wis, and boosts to spell power. You might be able to squeeze in T5 spell power boost if you give up iron skin
T4 RS for wis bonus and turn regen.
Also, I've never played any monk splash before. Is Stunning fist really that good? vs say Dodge?
I"m thinking of using short swords (triple positive for undead, lit2, and i have some paralyzers), although I am also saving nice handwraps (got a L14 paralyzing set, and some good radiance wraps).
thoughts? tx