When i launch game launcher everything is okay. When i log in and launch game everything is okay. When press enter (big red button which you press when you chose character to play) everything okay. But then starts some voodoo magic. With 10% chance or so i will get progressbar at the bottom filled and will be able to play (and i dont know what causes this). With 90% chance game will crash as soon as it will try to load first segmentation of that progressbar with "send report to microsoft" error. I sent over 10 reports (because you asked to do so) and reinstalled game (with steam version to be sure) but still same error. Also each time i enter the game i get some update, which does not downloads with launcher, and it still updates if i log out at character selection screen (or somewhere else if i was lucky and got further than that). Last time i thought that it was some kind of technical maintenance stuff, like i got on server reboot time, or i had bad client version (well first thoughts were that it was specially made bug which does not allow free users to play, but thats concpiracy). But now when i redownloaded client for 4+ hour and **** still happens i think i should let you know. Because maybe you are unaware of it for some reasons? My OS is XP SP3 btw.