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  1. #1
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Default Rogue Mechanic Treasure Hunter!

    I was thinking about a "Treasure Hunter" type of rogue next life, and just came up with a start for a build that could be used. Mind you, I haven't tested this build out yet, planning to next life.
    (32-point character, hopefully I did the math right)

    This is meant for a Rogue Mechanic Enhancement Tree to make use of the high Intelligence Stat and Proficiency in various crossbows you'll pick up if you spend points in the core skills.

    Race: Human
    Class: Rogue

    Starting Stats:

    Str: 8
    Dex: 14 <- Need more points into Dex if you want stuff like Improved Precise Shot or Combat Archery.
    Con: 14
    Int: 18
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 12

    *If 28 pt character, Cha isn't necessary*
    *If 36 pt character, extra points could be put into Con or Dex*

    Skill Points: If I'm correct, you're going to have 52 skill points if you follow above build.

    Max out:

    Disable Device
    Open Locks
    Use Magic Device
    Maybe Hide and Move Silently

    Go crazy with the rest, maybe into Bluff or Diplomacy for those quests that require using Social Skills for optionals that'll make the quest a bit easier and to make enemies attack you less.

    Definitely Bluff, Sneaks Attacks are awesome with Repeaters.

    Feats to consider as you level up:

    Least Dragonmark of Finding (Can't be a Treasure Hunter if you can't find treasures! Also gives bonus to search)
    Point Blank Shot -> Rapid Shot
    -> Precise Shot (For Archer's Focus)
    Improved Precise Shot
    Rapid Reload
    Improved Critical: Ranged
    Insightful Reflexes (If you're planning to not make Dexterity a priority)
    Lightning Reflexes (If you think your Reflex isn't just high enough)
    Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Light/Heavy Repeating Crossbow (If you're impatient to level up and want to use repeaters faster and swap it back with a Siberys Dragonshard or a Feat Respec Token)


    Human Tree:

    Be sure to take the Lesser and Greater Dragonmark of Finding in the Human tree. Need approximately 12 points to do so.
    Could also spend a few to Fighting Style: Sniper in the same tree as well as Skill Focus: Nimble Fingers/Awareness for extra Disable Device/Search bonus.

    Rogue Mechanic Tree:

    All the Core Skills (You'll need them for free Light/Heavy Repeater Proficiency)
    All the Crossbow Training
    All the Alchemical Trap Abilities
    Improved Traps (If you want to use crafted Traps from Device Workstation)
    Leg Shot
    Rapid Fire
    Dexterity or Intelligence: Intelligence.

    Feel free to go crazy with the remaining Action Points.


    I predict you'll most likely stay in the back of the group and attack your enemies from a range with Crossbows and Alchemical Traps and any other Grenades and Traps you might build through Device Workstation. As a Human Mechanic, I think you won't have a problem keeping your Disable Device up with all the Enhancements you could put your points into to boost the skill.

    Treasure Finding from Greater Dragonmark of Finding may be useful to get better loot from chests.

    A Device Workstation in House Cannith or on a Guild Airship (Provided it's high enough level and has the amenity) can help you craft Grenades and Traps to make your experience even wackier! Now you can use the Traps that kept killing you as a clumsy Fighter back at the Monsters who probably set them!

    Things to do:

    Keep a steady stock of Thieves' Tools and Crossbow Bolts
    Keep a steady distance away from your enemies, but just enough so that you can deal extra damage with Point Blank Shot.
    Offering to use Treasure Finding ability at the beginning or the middle of the quest so they know you can do such an amazing feat so you can be worshiped like a god.
    Making Grease Traps and testing them everywhere.

    Things to NOT do:

    Charging into a crowd of enemies and drawing all of their attention to you (Except when you're setting a trap, or leading them into one, or three).
    Not making sure the enemy is close enough so that you don't lob your Alchemical Trap upwards (I've only seen Thunderstone do that, don't know about the rest) and hit the ceiling, rendering it useless.
    Running out of Crossbow Bolts.
    Running out of Thieves' Tools.
    Failing to let people in the party know that you have Treasure Finding (if you do) and then complain about it when they open the Chest while you're in the middle of using your ability and then whine about not letting you use your skill.
    Letting your party members walk through the traps even you knew that they were there, but just turned a blind eye to it (It's funny, but still).
    Melee Combat (Not with this build, bub).
    Using a Bow that's not Cross.
    Not getting Improved Evasion and Slippery Mind at the earliest opportunity.

    Equipment to Consider:

    Various Light/Heavy Repeating Crossbows, and Great Crossbows, if one wishes (First Core skill as Rogue Mechanic grants you Great Crossbow Proficiency)
    Silver Slinger (As Harry/Sully beaters)
    Greensteel Repeater (Because why not?)
    Parasitic Breastplate upgraded with Uncanny Awareness (+10 Reflex save)
    Deception/Improved Deception items (Many named items that had Deception still has the original effect, which I think lasts longer than updated version, before update, such as Ring of Lies and Golden Guile)
    Ventilated Bracers (Extra Disable Device/Open Lock bonus)
    "Search Item"
    And many more!

    Other Notes:

    Nope, nothing I can think of right now.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 03-13-2015 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    So, repeater rogue + Finding.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  3. #3
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    So, repeater rogue + Finding.
    And Grenades! And more effective Traps!

  4. #4
    The Hatchery CThruTheEgo's Avatar
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    Default Just an fyi...

    The treasure finding dragonmark has a chance of failure based on charisma, so if you want this ability to be effective you'll want to boost your charisma a lot more. That's why you typically see this dragonmark on healbot FvS and bards.
    Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai

  5. #5
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CThruTheEgo View Post
    The treasure finding dragonmark has a chance of failure based on charisma, so if you want this ability to be effective you'll want to boost your charisma a lot more. That's why you typically see this dragonmark on healbot FvS and bards.
    I figure I'll start with 12-14 charisma with a +3 tome bonus and +6 Cha item as well as Shard of Xoriat which adds an Exceptional Charisma +1

    or is it based on your base Charisma stat?

  6. #6
    Community Member Daine's Avatar
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    I've been testing a very similar build with the same base charisma, I average about 25% success with Treasure Finding.

  7. #7
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    work improved precise shot in (ditch lighting reflex?), it's a real game changer for any ranged user! each mob you line up adds another 100% to your damage, which includes your sneak attacks. archers focus is then just for boss mobs, though if there is trash i like to anchor on the boss and line the trash up to wipe it out at the same time.

    you only need up to core 4 for your repeaters, the last 2 are more useful for traps. so probably good for your build but doesn't match your "You'll need them for free Light/Heavy Repeater Proficiency" advice. core 4 gives you all the bonuses you can get with repeaters.

    as an alternative you can drop the traps and pick up assassinate. you have enough action points to get both assassinate and mechanic core 4 at lvl14. i don't think this will match the flavour of your build, but it has greatly improved my mechanic, so worth a mention.

    grab both diplo and bluff, diplo is great if you mess up with aggro, bluff is great to rapidly take down a single mob.

    add doublecross to your repeater list, it's frickin insane at lvl16! my 2nd life mechanic is 18 with almost enough to hit 20 and doublecross has been my main weapon from 16 in all the heroics on elite including the new wheloon stuff. me love it long time, well worth grabbing even if it stops being effective in epics.

    spot on with the exotic feat, bag heavy at lvl3 then respec it out at lvl12. this way at lvl3 you can use heavies, at lvl6 you can use heavies and lights thanks to mechanic and at lvl12 you wont need the feat thanks to mechanic. all for the free feat swap little miss dragonmarks gives you each life

    also look into black dragon scale armour, it gives some fort bypass. and if you can find the room look into the precision feat for some more fort bypass (it stacks with either archers focus or improved precise shot so you can just leave it on all the time) A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
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  8. #8
    Community Member Tscheuss's Avatar
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    Improved Precise Shot requires 19 dex.
    1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Improved Precise Shot requires 19 dex.
    yup, and worth every ounce of DEX for it too as it is by far the biggest DPS boosting feat any ranged character can get. yes, even more than manyshot (not applicable for us mechanics, but often seen as the best DPS feat for ranged combat) which adds 400% DPS for 20 seconds every 2 mins for an average of 66% DPS boost the whole quest. as long as you have at least 2 mobs lined up you're going to average more DPS with imp precise shot, way more if you can line a whole group up

    with mabar approaching the OP could get a +5 DEX tome to munch at lvl19 to qualify for imp precise shot late in life.

    anyway, this is a flavour build so it's not a must have, but it is well worth thinking about. A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
    Play DDO in 3D, for fweeeee! how to use coloured 3D glasses with DDO.
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    Tired of chasing blue dots? Find a speed or striding item, vets are hooked on them and you will be too!

  10. #10
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    I might TR my rogue into something like this. dont really know if the dragonmark is worth it.
    it gives +1 to loot table right? does that really make that much of a difference?

  11. #11
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daffenstein View Post
    I might TR my rogue into something like this. dont really know if the dragonmark is worth it.
    it gives +1 to loot table right? does that really make that much of a difference?
    Well, a difference between a +10 Enchantment weapon and a +11 Enchantment weapon is half a weapon die.

    Also, the mark gives +2 to Search in case if you wanted to know.

  12. #12
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    Skill Points: If I'm correct, you're going to have 52 skill points if you follow above build.

    Max out:

    Disable Device
    Open Locks
    Use Magic Device
    Maybe Hide and Move Silently
    Always max bluff, move silently, and hide.

    If you need to do something solo, you can pull enemies out one-at-a-time with a max range bluff pull...

    You can't assassinate them, but short range, single target fights will usually go in your favor.

    Just remember, melees bluffed out FIRST leaving the casters with crappy saves for last... (Who usually aggro-in-place if you bluff them.)

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post

    I predict you'll most likely stay in the back of the group and attack your enemies from a range with Crossbows and Alchemical Traps and any other Grenades and Traps you might build through Device Workstation. As a Human Mechanic, I think you won't have a problem keeping your Disable Device up with all the Enhancements you could put your points into to boost the skill.
    Or, you can find a high spot and snipe like crazy. You'll do less base damage, but depending on how often you can get sneak attack--or if you use a Wounding of Puncturing on trash--you can kill very fast.

    Also, you should be fast and can still kite.

    Sneak in, kill the enemy healers and casters while the others are looking at the melees, and kite whatever's left into the arms of your melees. Remember you have an uncanny dodge use (50% free dodge for 20 seconds) and use it when you need to. Also, get blur items (Ring of Shadows, Greensteel HP item with 20% permablur...) to boost that chance as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    A Device Workstation in House Cannith or on a Guild Airship (Provided it's high enough level and has the amenity) can help you craft Grenades and Traps to make your experience even wackier! Now you can use the Traps that kept killing you as a clumsy Fighter back at the Monsters who probably set them!
    Don't forget the enhancement "grenade" that dumps an "AOE" cripple (50% slower movement). As a ranged character, 50% slower is more time to kill them before they can kill you...

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    Things to do:

    Keep a steady stock of Thieves' Tools and Crossbow Bolts
    Keep a steady distance away from your enemies, but just enough so that you can deal extra damage with Point Blank Shot.
    Offering to use Treasure Finding ability at the beginning or the middle of the quest so they know you can do such an amazing feat so you can be worshiped like a god.
    Making Grease Traps and testing them everywhere.
    Getting House Deneith favor for Sturdy bolts (75% returning) is a major priority...

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    Things to NOT do:

    Charging into a crowd of enemies and drawing all of their attention to you.
    Not making sure the enemy is close enough so that you don't lob your Alchemical Trap upwards (I've only seen Thunderstone do that, don't know about the rest) and hit the ceiling, rendering it useless.
    Running out of Crossbow Bolts.
    Running out of Thieves' Tools.
    Failing to let people in the party know that you have Treasure Finding (if you do) and then complain about it when they open the Chest while you're in the middle of using your ability and then whine about not letting you use your skill.
    Letting your party members walk through the traps even you knew that they were there, but just turned a blind eye to it (It's funny, but still).
    Melee Combat (Not with this build, bub).
    Using a Bow that's not Cross.
    Not getting Improved Evasion and Slippery Mind at the earliest opportunity.
    Slippery mind... maybe not, Imp Evasion, definitely.

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    Equipment to Consider:

    Various Light/Heavy Repeating Crossbows, and Great Crossbows, if one wishes (First Core skill as Rogue Mechanic grants you Great Crossbow Proficiency)
    Silver Slinger (As Harry/Sully beaters)
    Greensteel Repeater (Because why not?)
    Parasitic Breastplate upgraded with Uncanny Awareness (+10 Reflex save)
    Deception/Improved Deception items (Many named items that had Deception still has the original effect, which I think lasts longer than updated version, before update, such as Ring of Lies and Golden Guile)
    Ventilated Bracers (Extra Disable Device/Open Lock bonus)
    "Search Item"
    And many more!
    If you are a Great Cross user: Look for a (usually Cheap) Alchemical Greatcrossbow on AH. It has nothing on it, but it's a ML12 2[W] cross to apply all the nifty added damage you can add from the enhancements.

    Also, the Windhowler Bracers can be a nice addition to flip with the Ventilateds which add to your ranged damage.

    Quiver of Poison also adds to your ranged damage.

    Ring of Shadows (Heroic hard or elite) is awesome. 20% permablur and sneak skills.

    For skills--especially if you're a crafter--at lower levels get/make/purchase all of your primary skills on plain goggles:
    Goggles of Persuasion (crafted, usually, +3 to UMD and bluff)
    Goggles of the Eagle (Spot)
    Goggles of Minute seeing (Search)
    Goggles of Disabling (Disable Device)
    Goggles of Escape (Open locks, only crafted)

    Roll with Spot goggles on, flip to Search to find it, Disable to disarm, and back to spot....

    Alternatively, at level 14 or so, the Intricate Field Optics (from Tor or AH) with a WIS augment, the Giancraft Syberius Compass (Elite for Green slot, throw a Heavy Fort gem in there) and Gloves of Forgotten Craft (alternatively, Gloves of Gnoll Hide) with your INT item somewhere else make excellent base items from 14 into lower epic levels on a mechanic. They have a good cross section of (upgradeable) attributes and +15 to your key skills (+20 Disable with Ventilated Bracers) works well with a mechanic.

    Alternative to the Giantcrafted Compass as a trinket (would still need Search goggles though) is the Head of Good Fortune from Reaver's Fate. Good luck +2 adds to both your saves and your skill checks... plus, heavy fortification.

    Black Dragonhide armor is also got some nice Synergy with rogue mech (Armor piercing and a 5% boost to ranged damage for 30 sec on a good kill).

    Other useful gear:

    Golden Guile (social skills, 10% permablur, Improved Deception, not on a weapon)
    Cloak of Shadows (if you like to sneak, also green augment slot which grows with you) or Drow Piwafi later.
    Doublecross Bow (Nightshade venome is AWESOME)
    Banishing/Disruption/Smiting bows. (Your rate of fire means a lot of rolls to insta-kill... or do a lot of damage)
    The new sundering prefixes and vertigo also have stackable save debuffs, you can make your casters very happy and get kills too...
    Flameward (UMD and Charisma stick. Make a hotbar with Flameward and Raise Dead scrolls as a weapon set. Put your other scrolls on same hotbar. Click weapon set, Flameward raises your UMD 30% if you're not wearing a CHA item, click the scroll you want on the same bar twice to equip, cast, and go right back to your bow while the scroll timer goes through cooldown.)

    On the subject of scrolls: Carry Raise Dead scrolls as soon as you gen get 50% chance standing unbuffed. With gear and heroism, you can have a good chance at rezzing healers, at least, and have the sneak skills to be able to save a party that way. (Recover stones, rez healer, let the healer handle the rest.) Heal scrolls are nice too. Restoration sounds nice, but--by the time you need them--your UMD chance is low enough it's not going to happen. Teleport scrolls for getting out of places like Reaver's Refuge or getting from Eveningstar to Eberron quickly is also nice. Summon Monster IV (for the lantern archon) in RAinbow in the Dark gives you your own flashlight.

    Eternal Wand of Cure Minor Wounds. (Takes a while, but free heals if you have time). (Catacombs end rewards)
    (Dampened) Cacophonic Verge. (Silly, silly wand. Works through magic barriers, doors, walls. Clears massed breakables in a heartbeat) (Giant skeleton chest, Claw of Vulkoor in the Red Fens)

    Quote Originally Posted by ForgettableNPC View Post
    Other Notes:
    Nope, nothing I can think of right now.
    On bolts...

    Get House D favor. Get the large thin quivers (3 stacks of 1000 bolts each). You can put 1000 Sturdy Bolts (75% returning), 1000 standard bolts, and 1000 of another type of bolts (+1's are buyable in some shops, metal DR breaking types at House D favor vendor, or craft lots of 100's in Cannith crafting machine) giving you 3000+ (more, effectively, with sturdy bolts) in a single slot. Carry 2 or 3...

    Alternatively, splash a level of artificer. (Note, as of now, UMDing the "conjure bolts" arti scroll doesn't work. Ironically, Flame arrow scrolls do, but it's 100 flaming bolts a pop...)

    Good luck and happy hunting!

    (and next life, consider a halfling rogue mech... bonus sneak attack, bonus DEX, bonus to hit, bonus dodge percentage, and a dragonmark that can get you full heal spell use, 5 per rest, with about 10AP's and level 6).

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todkaninchen View Post
    Always max bluff, move silently, and hide.

    If you need to do something solo, you can pull enemies out one-at-a-time with a max range bluff pull...

    You can't assassinate them, but short range, single target fights will usually go in your favor.
    good post in general but there are a few bits about this part i'd like to comment on. first the OP isn't planning to pick up assassinate so it's a bit moot in this thread, but other mechanics might be poking about so it's worth talking about. you can assassinate a mob you have got aggro on, it's just a bit tricky to get the hang of. any bluff or blindness proc will let you assassinate a mob that is aggroed on you. you can get 2 blindness skills, one from the assassin tree and one from the shadow dancer destiny. naturally you have the bluff skill and deception items, though if you have bluff pulled it will be on cooldown and the window of opportunity is small on a deception bluff. at the moment i'm just working with bluff and the assassins blindness to insta kill mobs i have aggro on. i'm finding the blindness easier to work with as it gives me a bit more time to switch to melee and get into sneak. A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
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  14. #14
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tscheuss View Post
    Improved Precise Shot requires 19 dex.
    You also want Imp Sneak Atk & Combat Archery on a repeater rogue, which req's base DEX 21. If OP can grind out a +5 DEX tome from Mabar before it closes, that makes it a lot easier to add those feats.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  15. #15
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReaperAlexEU View Post
    good post in general but there are a few bits about this part i'd like to comment on. first the OP isn't planning to pick up assassinate so it's a bit moot in this thread, but other mechanics might be poking about so it's worth talking about. you can assassinate a mob you have got aggro on, it's just a bit tricky to get the hang of. any bluff or blindness proc will let you assassinate a mob that is aggroed on you. you can get 2 blindness skills, one from the assassin tree and one from the shadow dancer destiny. naturally you have the bluff skill and deception items, though if you have bluff pulled it will be on cooldown and the window of opportunity is small on a deception bluff. at the moment i'm just working with bluff and the assassins blindness to insta kill mobs i have aggro on. i'm finding the blindness easier to work with as it gives me a bit more time to switch to melee and get into sneak.

    I only meant it as a means for making "unfair fights" more fair, especially on solo fights or even with a party. With an INT/DEX focused mechanic, you have the skill points for it and it lets you control fights solo more. *grin*

    For example, a quest like Gwyllan's Stand where you have the big rooms with mass mobs. You can park your hire around the corner of the entrance hallway, sneak forward, bluff pull a melee out, and just back around the corner to your hire. Enemy follows you, spots your hire, you hammer him down, and go back for more. By the time you're out of melees to bluff, you're back to facing the casters with decent reflex saves, evasion, and some decent ranged DPS.

    Takes a little time, but you can protect your "no one died in here" bonus and save on repair bills.

    Even if you aren't an assassin. *grin*

    It's also cheap XP in some quests like Crucible and Partycrashers.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Todkaninchen View Post

    I only meant it as a means for making "unfair fights" more fair, especially on solo fights or even with a party. With an INT/DEX focused mechanic, you have the skill points for it and it lets you control fights solo more. *grin*

    For example, a quest like Gwyllan's Stand where you have the big rooms with mass mobs. You can park your hire around the corner of the entrance hallway, sneak forward, bluff pull a melee out, and just back around the corner to your hire. Enemy follows you, spots your hire, you hammer him down, and go back for more. By the time you're out of melees to bluff, you're back to facing the casters with decent reflex saves, evasion, and some decent ranged DPS.

    Takes a little time, but you can protect your "no one died in here" bonus and save on repair bills.

    Even if you aren't an assassin. *grin*

    It's also cheap XP in some quests like Crucible and Partycrashers.
    oh i'm not saying there is anything wrong with bluff pulling, i was just correcting you on that tiny detail about being able to assassinate a mob you have bluff pulled.

    so, when they are in your killing zone you can hit them with blindness then drop into stealth and assassinate them as they fumble about looking for you. naturally this counts for any rogue not just assassins as that fist full of sneak attack dice will also benefit from the mob being blinded.

    i was a little miffed that to get my sneak attack dice back i had to invest heavily in the assassins melee focused tree on my pure mechanic. now i'm having so much fun sneaking into rooms and bumping people off when i solo that the investment has been well worth it (also fun in groups, though there is less sneakery). i've even LRed to go INT based to boost my DC and xbow damage. i'm lvl22 now with an assassinate DC between 53 and 58 which is perfect for epic hard (+5 INT mabar tome, all level ups, +6 INT item and +2 INT from cove trinket with max INT from enhancements).

    i know the mechanic is sub par raw DPS, but when you mix in improved precise shot and a solid assassinate DC he can do his fair share of the killing. i've also picked up bluff for the first time when i LRed (tended to get diplo for the AoE when skill points were tight), loving that too for the burst damage i can do when i have aggro (tend to be a bit reckless with my aggro management). in groups i often aim for a high value target to assassinate at the start of the fight, yes mr caster, i'm looking at you and your squishy fort save, then let rip with the repeater. if i'm on the ball and havent got too much aggro (must play more like a rogue and less like a nutter with a machine gun) then i can assassinate another victim mid fight when the cooldown is over. A light RP guild that's moved from Keeper in Europe to Thelanis
    Play DDO in 3D, for fweeeee! how to use coloured 3D glasses with DDO.
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    Tired of chasing blue dots? Find a speed or striding item, vets are hooked on them and you will be too!

  17. #17
    Community Member Todkaninchen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReaperAlexEU View Post
    oh i'm not saying there is anything wrong with bluff pulling, i was just correcting you on that tiny detail about being able to assassinate a mob you have bluff pulled.
    If you re-read what I originally wrote, you'll notice I said you can't assassinate them. *Grin*

    Quote Originally Posted by ReaperAlexEU View Post
    i know the mechanic is sub par raw DPS, but when you mix in improved precise shot and a solid assassinate DC he can do his fair share of the killing. i've also picked up bluff for the first time when i LRed (tended to get diplo for the AoE when skill points were tight), loving that too for the burst damage i can do when i have aggro (tend to be a bit reckless with my aggro management). in groups i often aim for a high value target to assassinate at the start of the fight, yes mr caster, i'm looking at you and your squishy fort save, then let rip with the repeater. if i'm on the ball and havent got too much aggro (must play more like a rogue and less like a nutter with a machine gun) then i can assassinate another victim mid fight when the cooldown is over.
    It really depends on the DPS.

    Against red names, unless you have a massive DPSing barbarian or caster pulling aggro, your typical assassin will do less damage because of speed of attack issues, even with extra sneak attack. Against trash, a big factor is going to be what procs on your bow (more attacks = more "on crit" and "on vorpal" procs) so something like a wounding of puncturing or virulent poison (Constitution) or Slaver's Hand Crossbow will tear up trash about as fast as a non-assassinating assassin, especially if one's trying to stay in sneak for assassinate and someone else is pulling the enemies away.

    But, given a good tank or other aggro magnet that stays in one place, especially at higher levels where you typically aren't able to grind through an enemy in the length of time assassinate is on cooldown, assassin's with an effective DC do better. If the enemy's of the type an "instakill" proc like disruption/banishing/vorpal works on (after grinding them down a bit), it's probably similar DPS.

    But the real advantage of a mech is being able to sneak attack across the room, picking out and killing casters without having to go through the melees first, and simply being able to avoid most of the damage from melees and casters in many cases. You can afford to take a little longer to kill something if it never gets close enough to hurt you. The biggest tell for me when I ran a DEX/INT assassin to 22 and then LR20ed him to an Arti 2/rogue 18 was the repair bills got tiny and the frustration from having to try and catch up with an enemy someone decided they wanted to kite while I was in sneak to assassinate dissipated. He was pretty sturdy DPS (high dex, dex-to-damage weapons before the update 19, even more after effective after) and could assassinate almost everything within level and above level casters reliably (Went to 3 Shadowdancer, pulled the first level Legendary Dreadnought +6 to tactics into my twist slot, and went back to Shadowdancer). Now, I think he's much more survivable, higher UMD for self healing, and better able to kill things without much damage at all.

    But, like anything, your mileage may vary.

  18. #18
    Self-Appointed Coin Lord of the Seas ForgettableNPC's Avatar
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    Sep 2010


    I remembered I posted this a long time ago. And I actually did try this build out myself during Rogue Life.

    The build proved to be AMAZING at Searching and Disarming for traps, Spot could've been a bit better, but negligible if you can have a general idea of where the boxes are.

    The DPS wasn't too bad, either, Repeater + Sneak Attacks was great especially with an Improved Deception from the Ring of Lies even through Epics.

    The downside was that at the time, Conjure Bolts scrolls didn't work so I had to constantly buy two 1000 stacks of Sturdy Bolts, but the costs were negligible.

    Even though it wasn't an Assassin, it was still pretty good for Sneaking through Blockade Buster.

    Time Bomb was great in Heroics, not so much in Epics, though, but it was still fun nonetheless.

    Loved this build, would play it again.
    I give it a Champion Beholder out of 10.

    Edit: Also, my thanks and kudos for everyone in this thread for helping me and giving advice on this build!

    Edit: Edit: Edited first post to add in a bit more useful stuff.
    Last edited by ForgettableNPC; 01-17-2015 at 08:37 PM.
    Just a random, forgettable NPC doing things an NPC does
    Things that NPCs do include, but are not limited to:

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    Having a catchphrase that never really catches on
    Having various rewards that are generally not worth the trouble
    Wandering around randomly
    Giving out obvious information if it wasn't obvious enough
    Repeating the same lines over and over again
    Repeating the same lines over and over again

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