I was thinking about a "Treasure Hunter" type of rogue next life, and just came up with a start for a build that could be used. Mind you, I haven't tested this build out yet, planning to next life.
(32-point character, hopefully I did the math right)
This is meant for a Rogue Mechanic Enhancement Tree to make use of the high Intelligence Stat and Proficiency in various crossbows you'll pick up if you spend points in the core skills.
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Starting Stats:
Str: 8
Dex: 14 <- Need more points into Dex if you want stuff like Improved Precise Shot or Combat Archery.
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 8
Cha: 12
*If 28 pt character, Cha isn't necessary*
*If 36 pt character, extra points could be put into Con or Dex*
Skill Points: If I'm correct, you're going to have 52 skill points if you follow above build.
Max out:
Disable Device
Open Locks
Use Magic Device
Maybe Hide and Move Silently
Go crazy with the rest, maybe into Bluff or Diplomacy for those quests that require using Social Skills for optionals that'll make the quest a bit easier and to make enemies attack you less.
Definitely Bluff, Sneaks Attacks are awesome with Repeaters.
Feats to consider as you level up:
Least Dragonmark of Finding (Can't be a Treasure Hunter if you can't find treasures! Also gives bonus to search)
Point Blank Shot -> Rapid Shot
-> Precise Shot (For Archer's Focus)
Improved Precise Shot
Rapid Reload
Improved Critical: Ranged
Insightful Reflexes (If you're planning to not make Dexterity a priority)
Lightning Reflexes (If you think your Reflex isn't just high enough)
Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Light/Heavy Repeating Crossbow (If you're impatient to level up and want to use repeaters faster and swap it back with a Siberys Dragonshard or a Feat Respec Token)
Human Tree:
Be sure to take the Lesser and Greater Dragonmark of Finding in the Human tree. Need approximately 12 points to do so.
Could also spend a few to Fighting Style: Sniper in the same tree as well as Skill Focus: Nimble Fingers/Awareness for extra Disable Device/Search bonus.
Rogue Mechanic Tree:
All the Core Skills (You'll need them for free Light/Heavy Repeater Proficiency)
All the Crossbow Training
All the Alchemical Trap Abilities
Improved Traps (If you want to use crafted Traps from Device Workstation)
Leg Shot
Rapid Fire
Dexterity or Intelligence: Intelligence.
Feel free to go crazy with the remaining Action Points.
I predict you'll most likely stay in the back of the group and attack your enemies from a range with Crossbows and Alchemical Traps and any other Grenades and Traps you might build through Device Workstation. As a Human Mechanic, I think you won't have a problem keeping your Disable Device up with all the Enhancements you could put your points into to boost the skill.
Treasure Finding from Greater Dragonmark of Finding may be useful to get better loot from chests.
A Device Workstation in House Cannith or on a Guild Airship (Provided it's high enough level and has the amenity) can help you craft Grenades and Traps to make your experience even wackier! Now you can use the Traps that kept killing you as a clumsy Fighter back at the Monsters who probably set them!
Things to do:
Keep a steady stock of Thieves' Tools and Crossbow Bolts
Keep a steady distance away from your enemies, but just enough so that you can deal extra damage with Point Blank Shot.
Offering to use Treasure Finding ability at the beginning or the middle of the quest so they know you can do such an amazing feat so you can be worshiped like a god.
Making Grease Traps and testing them everywhere.
Things to NOT do:
Charging into a crowd of enemies and drawing all of their attention to you (Except when you're setting a trap, or leading them into one, or three).
Not making sure the enemy is close enough so that you don't lob your Alchemical Trap upwards (I've only seen Thunderstone do that, don't know about the rest) and hit the ceiling, rendering it useless.
Running out of Crossbow Bolts.
Running out of Thieves' Tools.
Failing to let people in the party know that you have Treasure Finding (if you do) and then complain about it when they open the Chest while you're in the middle of using your ability and then whine about not letting you use your skill.
Letting your party members walk through the traps even you knew that they were there, but just turned a blind eye to it (It's funny, but still).
Melee Combat (Not with this build, bub).
Using a Bow that's not Cross.
Not getting Improved Evasion and Slippery Mind at the earliest opportunity.
Equipment to Consider:
Various Light/Heavy Repeating Crossbows, and Great Crossbows, if one wishes (First Core skill as Rogue Mechanic grants you Great Crossbow Proficiency)
Silver Slinger (As Harry/Sully beaters)
Greensteel Repeater (Because why not?)
Parasitic Breastplate upgraded with Uncanny Awareness (+10 Reflex save)
Deception/Improved Deception items (Many named items that had Deception still has the original effect, which I think lasts longer than updated version, before update, such as Ring of Lies and Golden Guile)
Ventilated Bracers (Extra Disable Device/Open Lock bonus)
"Search Item"
And many more!
Other Notes:
Nope, nothing I can think of right now.