Looking for the augments: InsWis+2, InsCha+2, Vitality
Acquired, thanks.
Available to trade:
Named Items
EE Trapsmith's Crossbow
EE Skullduggery Kit (Seeker X)
EE Bulwark of the Storms Fist
EE Skyvault Shield
EE Wizard's Ward (Glaciation)
EE Silver Ingot Arcanum
EH Silver Ingot Arcanum
EE Adamantine Knuckles
EE Gloves of Forgotten Craft
EE Treads of Falling Shadow
EN Treads of Falling Shadow
Seal of House Dun'Robar (InsCon+2, Tactics+5)
Staff of the Necromancer
Terrorweb Chitin Breastplate (Str+8/InsStr+3/InsCon+3/Wis+8)
Spidersilk Robes (Cha+8/InsCha+3)
E Backstabber Gloves
E Helm of the Black Dragon
Ethereal Bracers
Boots of the Innocent
Spectral Gloves
Hand of the Tombs
E Iron Beads
Planar Gird
Bottle of Air
Scarab of Spell Absorbtion (50 Charges)
Random Items
Cloak Cha+10, WizX ML27
Helmet DeadlyX, Intimidate+19 ML27
+5 Shocking Burst Quarterstaff of the Sun ML18
Epic Scrolls
Dragon Scales (no green)
Tomes +2/+3
Skill Tomes (Bluff+2, Hide+3to+4)
Large Ingredients Bag
Yellow Dopant
Lich Dust
Collapsed Portable Holes
Alchemical Heavy Shield, Dagger, Khopesh
Tome Pages, Shield Fragments
Resistance +7
Power +200
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