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  1. #1
    Community Member Set's Avatar
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    Default Help with pure ranger twf tempest build

    Hi, I have a level 12 pure Ranger that I haven't played for a while. Since I already have a few other ranged classes, I'm interested in making a TWF Tempest Ranger. I plan on making Dexterity my main stat since I can use it for hit and damage with light weapons.

    I wanna be self sufficient with great twf damage, decent heals, evasion, and the Tier 5 Tempest Improved Evasion-like enhancement (so I can just blow by traps). I am Drow btw.

    What Feats should I take?

    I'm guessing: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Crit/Slashing (Scimi), Empower Healing?????

    Does Cleave work with TWF?

    Last edited by Set; 10-12-2013 at 09:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Set View Post
    Hi, I have a level 12 pure Ranger that I haven't played for a while. Since I already have a few other ranged classes, I'm interested in making a TWF Tempest Ranger. I plan on making Dexterity my main stat since I can use it for hit and damage with light weapons.

    I wanna be self sufficient with great twf damage, decent heals, evasion, and the Tier 5 Tempest Improved Evasion-like enhancement (so I can just blow by traps). I am Drow btw.

    What Feats should I take?

    I'm guessing: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Crit/Slashing (Scimi), Empower Healing?????

    Does Cleave work with TWF?

    If your asking does offhand attacks proc off cleave the answer is no. However you should be taking it in any case for Overwhealming Critical if you decide to go that route. Really Turbine should do something that makes Whirlwind worth the investment and incorporate it into the Tempest tree since Mobility is a prereq and is utilized already in the Tempest tree not to mention it's iconic to the Tempest. Last I hear whirlwind is terribad.

    I know you are going tier 5 into tempest for that improved evasion effect but people are saying that the tier 4/5 stuff is terribad since everything is on a multi min cooldown and the capstone doublestrike bonus to offhand attacks is broke. They say that going tier 5 into Kensai is better.

    Empowered Healing will be worthwhile at least later on with Cocoon, doubtful it is worth anything lvling up since I feel like it's much easier just to drag a hireling along in the heroic lvls. DWS took a nerfbat to the face though with the stealth nerf to the tier one enhancement that provided good positive energy.

  3. #3
    Community Member PolarisNC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Set View Post
    What Feats should I take?

    I'm guessing: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Crit/Slashing (Scimi), Empower Healing?????

    Does Cleave work with TWF?

    Drow can buy racial bonuses to shortswords, so IC-piercing, also IC-ranged (you still have manyshot, after all). Precision would be an option, especially if you dip into the DWS tree and get some sneak attack dice.

    From what I hear parts of the Drow tree are bugged, but you may find some things there to be useful. I enjoyed having magic resistance when soloing - it really helps with those pesky "hold adventurer" spells that the casters like so much.

    Cleave will work, but it doesn't proc off-hand attacks, as I understand it. That does take some of the shine off.

  4. #4
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Set View Post
    I'm guessing: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Improved Crit/Slashing (Scimi), Empower Healing?????
    Because of drow racial weapon bonuses, rapiers (or some short swords) are a better choice than scimitars for drow. Plus it avoids the inevitable Drizzt(tm) jokes. The only drawback is if you want to stick w/DEX-based, you also need Finesse + Imp Weap Finesse to apply DEX to dmg w/rapiers. Also, remember drow don't get elven Grace, so a pure drow rgr has no way of adding DEX to ranged dmg, unfortunately.

    So for feats, at a minimum I would want Power Atk, IC:Pierce, and Finesse for melee DPS; and probably Quik+Emp Heal for self-heals (Rejuv Cocoon should cover you in epics). After that, you have a few options: you could take a few ranged feats (e.g., PBS, IC:Ranged, Precision, Combat Archery); or Cleave+GC for AoE melee DPS and access to Lay Waste+Momentum Swing (offhands don't proc on cleaves, but they're still nice to have); or survivability feats like Dodge & Toughness (Dodge feat + Mobility gear + 10% dodge item = 15% Dodge; can boost it higher w/Imp Dodge enhs from drow or Tempest).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #5
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    Elf might fit your idea if you're using scimitars. Their racial tree improves to hit and damage for scimitars, and science you're going dex for damage their dex racial enhancements and easy to start max dex makes it even better.

  6. #6
    Community Member Set's Avatar
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    Cool Thank you for your answers.

    Quote Originally Posted by EssenceofEvil View Post
    Elf might fit your idea if you're using scimitars. Their racial tree improves to hit and damage for scimitars, and science you're going dex for damage their dex racial enhancements and easy to start max dex makes it even better.
    Thanks all. This toon was actually Human, not Drow, lol, that's what I get for posting at work off of a fuzzy memory.

    I ended up using a +1 lesser stone and taking Rogue at level 1. The appeal of having trap/lock abilities and UMD was too much to resist. 11 Ranger still gave me Improved Precise Shot and GTWF.

    I use 2 scimatars and my stats are 14/16/14/14/10/10, Dex level ups. The Feats I took so far are: Power Attack, Dodge, Mobility, Toughness, Point Blank Shot (I still like ranged some too), & Improved Critical: Slashing.

    I took most Tempest enhancements but only one tier 5, Evasive Dance 3/3. In AA tree I took conjure arrows and 3/3 Energy of the Wild for Echoes. ..

    Not sure what to do next level (13)?...Ranger (12) so I can get Deflect Arrows Core Ability and more Spell points?....or 1 level ofFighter for free feat and access to Fighter Enhancements?.....Another Rogue level for more skill points?....

    I noticed I'm not getting benefit of Bow Strength because I don't have Weapon Focus : Ranged weapons. That's why I was considering 1 Fighter for feat...

    What do you guys think? My plan is to mostly melee (75 percent of time maybe)....
    Last edited by Set; 10-13-2013 at 08:14 PM.

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