Normal questing for me is elite once and done. That is the easy content I am talking about. Right now you can one and done everything upto level 5 or so pretty much perfectly. This will require repeats or going into higher level content earlier (which will eat out your available first time xp early). That is why it will be an annoyance. Because you will be doing the high xp/min quests again as repeats in the low level range. That is not fun questing. I did it plenty of times through the years before BB and xp tomes were introduced. Basically this brings us back to that type of questing with tomes...without well that is going to be really boring for those without tomes of learning. At least when the grind was in the higher level content the quests were generally not fall asleep easy on elite.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
What gets me is they took two low xp lvl 19 quests and made them give even less!
Does this make any sense to anyone?
Lvl 19 quests should guarantee Vale numbers at the least!
3-5K for Dreaming Dark flagging was always low and now it's even lower!
Power Play and Schemes get boosted to 10k but Blown to Bits only goes up to 6.2?
Vale Quests have Bases on Normal of 6,700 {Dust} to 9,300 {Coal}
Reclaiming Memories gave 3,964 yet gets nerfed!
Amossa d'Cannith, Sarlona, casually trying Completionist (12/14) [<o>]
Almost-never-played-alts: Arquera - Chapolin - Fabber - Herweg - Mecanico - Tenma
I want DDO to be a better game. Those are my personal suggestions on: Ammunition, Archmage, Combat Stances, Deities, Dispel Magic, Epic Destiny Map, Fast Healing, Favor, Favored Enemy, Half-elf Enhancements, Monk Kensai, Monk Stances, Past Life, Potency, Potions, Ranger Spells, Summons, Tiered Loot.
Several people have asked what happens to characters with higher xp, but I'm more interested in the effect on xp on levels 2-18, i.e., what happens to characters that are currently LV16 but would only be LV15 given their xp? Looks like most characters end up 1 level lower until they hit mid 18.
The threadkiller has spoken.
It is possible to be in favour of an idea, and yet still suggest improvements.
Obviously I mean in real life not on these forums where black and white are the only possible colours of text, background and opinion.
Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.
Lvls 1-5 are going to be boring drag unless xp in those quests is increased.
A character without Tomes, ship buff, xp pots or vip can get stuck for quite some time.
You can of course run higher level good stuff sooner, but 30k more at lvl 4 is much worse or boring than 100k more at 18.
Despite the " popular " opinion, lvls 18-20 weren't bad with some planning, overall less xp is good thing though.
Shahang (hjealme), Wipekin (kotc), Nezhat (barbie) Ghallanda/Devourer
my lvling way since u19:
do most quests on elite once til 11, do von3 e/h/n and sc e/h/n/c at 11, didn't worry about capping til now, von3 and sc give me all i need, not worry about things like ransack, conquest, etc, not repeating tear,delera2,delera4, nothing, once and done (but ofc in quests like delera 2 or tear do full opts lol, there're gajillions xp there)
get 12, start planning, 3e in von3 and sc every day(lol, is extra xp!!!) til 14, do rest of quests once, at this point im capping lvls, w/o effort, the only quests i'm repeating are von3 and sc simply because the insane xp they give(more than quests at lvl 13 and 14 mainly XD), at 13 do dreams e/h/n nets over 1k/min, less than von, more than rest of quests at this lvl XD, at 14 do wk e/h/n at most, can't do more because i'm already capped
at 15 do gh saga elite, once every other lvl 13 quests and capped, take 16
next day(because lvl 15 had a lot of things to do lol) do gh saga elite again, and farm a bit in necro4 (3h/n in vol and or gop, idc, would be almost capped w/o em)
take 17, do litany e/h/n/c+3e, can run litany 3e at elite for 40k each day because u're supposed to bank from lvl 18
so im at almost 800k from cap and will cap with:
-single vale elite run(180k or so)
-single elite lod chain (108k)
-single elite mona and etk (80k or so, 100 if u do prey too)
- iq 1 + 2, that's over 200k doing all these crappy quests
and im missing 200k, at this point i can redo any other of the quests i have done with daily bonus and cap; so i haven't touched: 3bc, druid's deep, amrath, high road, wheloon, stormhorns, house c
and some low lvl quests (til lvl 6 i'm doing quests over my lvl because there's no other option, unless u want to repeat a crappy quest for crappy xp) mostly f2p because they're the ones with worst xp, in fact the f2p quest with highest xp is a lvl 7 one, the pit
what i 'll have to do with the new changes? dunno, but turbine thinks it's funny repeating the most boring part in ddo(and the one where new players leave)
if u think that adding stress at lower parts is a good idea, u're doing it wrong, vets won't pug more because they have to repeat crappy quests, they simply will stop tr'ing, so no tr no otto (because the worst part is prolly til lvl 8, and im talking about HIT 8, i don't worry about cap most time, because von3 and sc are there for that)
really bad idea turbine, u're gonna screw ur cow, ppl will play even less the high lvl packs(damm i'll be able to cap w/o doing even IQ roflmao) and will force us to play like some players do: do lvl 7 quests on elite at lvl 7
no matter how i look at it, turbine loses
psykopeta is finally baconpletionist because there isn't anything to delay it more - thelanis, where the gimps claim to be pros and noobs claim to be pros, no newbies allowed(unless they claim to be pros), we have enough drama w/o them. PS: I post only in the latest thread shown in main page, in the weird case u want something from me, feel free to send pm
As others have said - I cant understand all the fuss about the increase at lower levels, it will basically add maybe a couple of hours additional time at this level for someone who is on their 2nd TR. Given the overall number of hours most people put into a character its a drop in the ocean.
It was very rare that I had to repeat any content at high levels anymore to cap. In fact, since U19 I have not had to repeat anything at high levels. The xp is now there. With this change I will barely touch any of the first time xp in high level content yet have to repeat low level stuff.
I am stating that the rebalancing was not needed with the xp being cut off the top end and actually will have me repeating content more then I have been on recent TRs. That seems counter productive to me. I would rather be doing a few more one and done runs at level 18+.
Proud Recipient of At least 8 Negative Rep From NA Threads.
Main: Sharess
Alts: Avaril/Cyr/Cyrillia/Garagos/Inim/Lamasa/Ravella
Just have to say i am always pretty impressed how people manage to run into XP cap by accident in low levels, up to 9 i am running every quest (except 3bc) with max XP bonuses available (except pots, well 5% challenge ones mostly) and never get even close to XP cap. I even farm the better XP quests (EHHHN nothing excessive on like 5 quests in the complete range) a bit and dont hit it, so tell me your secrets (excluding pots).
And yes, a few more hours in lowbieland are way worse for me than the same few hours in highbyland. Few hours of two handed auto attack vs few hours of whatiactuallywantedtoplaythislife is a difference for me. It doesn't mean something is good just because it doesn't hurt as much as something else![]()
Razahe ~ Bruyak ~ Duzzared ~ Hukwaller ~ MarwachineMitis Mors | Thelanis
3bc has plenty of xpAnyhow, I dunno. I always cap at low levels, though i do farm a few harbor quests, admittedly. and 600k xp difference in the last few levels is more than "few hours". At least, it's more hours than the "few hours" being traded at the other end of the spectrum. Besides, this way you can basically cap just running e-streak, you just don't need to bank levels at all anymore.