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  1. #21
    Community Member drwhy13's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Red face Memories

    Memories : W00t WooT -- SUCCESS GREAT WINNINGS
    I believe my first time use of the term was use was when I was able to use a phone phreaking commands with a modem & phone, to find dial-up BBS systems. This was in the mid to late 80’s.

    An auto dialer was used to dial sequential phone numbers to locate a number that would respond to another modem. After this connection was made the number would be logged, you could then dial up the number direct and attempt to gain access to the computer system. If you could log in to the system and gain access to the “Root” w00t Root !

    phone phreaking commands were the tones generated by the phone company to determine a long distance charge, correct tones meant no charge for the call (check out capt’n crunch whistle)
    Its mind over matter It doesn't matter, If I don't mind -- Always use LOADED dice.

  2. #22
    Community Member Jiirix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    What does woot mean to you?: WE OWEND (the) OTHER TEAM

    Do you use it outside of gaming world? Yes

    If so in casual speech or on a more professional level? Casual speech, among freinds

    How often do you play the game? 15 - 20 hours a week

    Is there another word out there that you use that can replace woot? Yes

    IF so what is it and what does it mean? and is it used outside of he gaming world? YEAHH means YEAHH and I use it more then WOOT

    Are you male or female? Male

    Age group
    30-40 D'oh
    BowHealer - The "Healer with legendary CC"-project:
    The Dungeons and Dragons Webcomic THE ORDER OF THE STICK BY RICH BURLEW

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