Hello my fellow gamers. I am currently doing research for my sociolinguistics class this semester on gaming language and I hope you will be able to help me out by answer the below questions.
I am studying the word woot, whoot, w00t.
What does woot mean to you?
Do you use it outside of gaming world? If so in casual speech or on a more professional level?
How often do you play the game?
20 hours or more a week
15 - 20 hours a week
10-15 hours a week
0-10 hours a week
Is there another word out there that you use that can replace woot? IF so what is it and what does it mean? and is it used outside of he gaming world?
Are you male or female?
Age group
40 and beyond.
I am know as Emmaline, Brinkley, Kestrelia, Zabelina, Artemmaline, and so many other... my mains are the first 3, and I have missed playing DDO this semester.
I appreciate any and all help given.