We are open for general recruitment for new players, returning players, veterans, F2P, Premium or VIP... we have a mix of misfits Anyone who is polite, respectful and contributes to the guild and its members are welcome to send either myself (usually on Knuckulz, Assassino-1, Funakoshi-1-2 or Ilpadrino) an in game mail or tell. We have a broad range of players from the US, Europe and even Australia so theres someone logged on almost all the time
Although we have some hardcore elite typeplayers, we are not an "elitist guild" - you don't have to be the best player there is, just be the best player you can be!! The guild is like a family, there to look out for each other.... drama queens or attention seekers will be dumped over the side of the guild boat with concrete boots on ^^ Its a game after all, and a game we all play to have fun, relax and unwind not to mention get some shiny loot along the way.
So if the idea of being in a relatively small guild thats focussed on generally all aspects of the game, looks after its members and see's to it they get loot and have fun, then give me a shout....
If this sounds like something you would be interested in test driving, send us a /tell in game to get the ball rolling.