Hey all... I've been messing around with a few classes of late, and I've heard people talk about a "Clonk." It sounded interesting to me in an RP sort of way, a fighter who could heal his allies as well. I've done a couple of searches on the form, but haven't seen a lot that is a specific guide (or it could be that I'm searching wrong; entirely possible as I am an idiot). When I made one (I have 32 point unlocked), I went with a human 16 str/8 dex/14 con/8 int/18 wis (19 with tome)/ 9 cha, thinking I'd add to cha with books & level ups & gear. I'm a 2 cleric/1 monk/1 rogue & thinking of going quarterstaff. Feats, I grabbed Empower Healing, Power attack, and cleave.
Honestly, I'm just kind of muddling my way through at this point, trying to figure out how to build this well. At least, better than my monk/rogue/sorc. Also, the heavy armor leaves me uncentered... though I need it due to my low dex. Hrm.
Thanks for reading!