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I've been wanting to try out a Spellsinger (f2p races) for a new solo toon, or maybe as part of a duo with a Barbarian. Would like 2 levels of Rogue for evade and overall usefulness, and in later levels would like to be CC-focused with some healing.
Most of the builds I've seen that splash rogue or rogue/fighter are either 32pts or Warchanters, while most of the Spellsinger builds stay pure. Is this because it's too hard to make a 28pt SS that can multiclass and stay alive while soloing? Or is it because you lose too much value when not staying pure SS? I'm not totally opposed to going WC or also splashing fighter, just kind of wanted to avoid the "fighter with a few spells" feel that so many of my toons have, so it seems that a CC focus would provide some variety.
If anyone can direct me to such a build or provide insight as to what does and doesn't work about this idea, I'd appreciate it.