This is an excersize in creating a "could that work" melee character that was inspired by a wizard tank build I saw. I want to know your thoughts on if I'm smoking something, or that this could actually work.
It relies on a unusual combination:
Wizard 12 (Palemaster for enhanced Wraith Form, and Tensers Transformation)
Cleric 5 (Warpriest)
Monk 3 (Path of darkness and enhanced earth stance).
Leveling progression:
1 monk(skills), 2-10 wiz, then.. whatever floats your boat. Probably cleric
Race: Drow (shortswords get cleric warpriest enhancement buffs, so synergizes well), and clickies are negative energy based.
Stats 32 pt are MAD so spread out except for CHA as dump stat. Level up points into STR.
STR 14 (level ups go here)
DEX 16 (needs +1 tome for ITWF)
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 12 (needs +1 items to unlock lv 3 spells)
CHA 10
3 Dodge ?
6 Monk: Adept of Forms
12 Monk: Master of Forms
15 Imp Crit Pierce
18 Monk: Grand Master of Forms
1m TW Defense
2m ? Power Attack
1w Maximize Spell
5w Quicken Spell
10w Maximize Spell
Concentrate, Heal, with spare points in Hide/Sneak (for fun)
Enhancements will be spread overly thin, but focusing on negative energy stuff, lots of warpriest / palemaster stuff. Leftover into Drow and Monk.
What do you guys think? Crazy idea, or just maybe crazy enough to work?