I am sorry I keep forgetting to post this while I am home and can give you details. As it is I want to at least give you a head's up.
I am leveling (in-game) a Drow Pally/Monk that is currently level 9 (Pal7/Monk2). In the game, at L8 (Pal6/Monk2) I was able to select a feat called something like "Unyielding Sovereignty" or similar. It is the feat that lets you cure all health, level drain, disease, poison, etc in yourself or a friend. It has a long cool down. However, I used your planner and planned all the way to L20 and never saw this feat available.
Likewise, it seems like the feats that are along the lines of "Follower of Sovereign Host" and "Child of of Sovereign Host" differ from those in the game. Hopefully someone can check on these that is in-game, and if I am mistaken I apologize in advance.