Some Mac users have reportedly been able to use Character Builder Lite. I added a note for Mac and Linux installations, but have no experience with either myself.
I just wanted to let everyone know the the Planner is not dead. I am just very busy IRL right now. I hope to have the update done in the next couple of weeks.
Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
Projects of Interest:
I have an older version of the character builder on my comp. Wondering if I have to go in and individually delete the files or uninstall as a package? Also is there anyway for you to add an "auto update" feature to the character builder? Something that would simply overwrite the existing files and make it easier for the less tech savvy such as my self. thanks in advance.
I am Halendon, Halaseus, Valmech and Kelzin
Order of the Emerald Claw
I just unzip files to the same folder, overwriting them as needed. No muss, no fuss. Works great. Usually they warn us if we need to do a 'clean install'. Then they tell us to delete the folder before installing a current version. So, depending on how old your last version was.....
Currently 2 hour static group on Ghallanda
I just downloaded the version 4.37.105. I anticipate TR'ing my Druid in the near future, and wanted the latest version to so I could plan the TR. However, the new Druid tree, Nature's Protector, is not in the newest version.. Will it be added soon?
Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe
Sorry for being gone for so long. I guess I got more burned out then I thought. RL got me really busy. Thank you all for the offer for the money, but as a condition of taking over the project I agreed to never take money for it. A I was not the original programer and we use a lot of DDO graphics in the program we do not wish to violate our terms of use. As I am the only one programing and DDO was making a lot of change I got tired realing fast, I did not even play the game for the past 6 months. I am starting to compile a list of changes that will need to be made to the program so I can make them all at once as I get into the program to speed things up. Any help would be great.
Trees that I am aware of at this moment are
Druid Tree
Falconer Tree
Wood Elf Racer
Favored Soul
Some monk error corrections
anything I am missing?
Main Characters Adarshae, Adenasenka, Nimithar Pyri and of Argonnessen
Projects of Interest:
Don't let it get to you, Tom. I know when the new updates come out, it can be overwhelming. That's why I started recruiting helpers in the latter years I was on the project
Have fun with it. When it starts to feel like work, pass it on to someone else to maintain.
And keep on adventuring!
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
Tom & Ron - I've got v437105 project loaded on VS2019 using the VS2017 - Windows XP (v141_xp) SDK. It runs & builds - with 60 warnings, but the VS2019 solution loads & performs much better than the original. Planning to tinker with it - but making no promises![]()
Maybe the github repo needs to get put out there a little more to make it easier for more casual programmers/editors (like me, despite personally being overwhelmed lately trying to keep up with all the changes on the wiki - I haven't played much in the last year or so either) to put in pull requests for changes. I bet that could take a large part of the burden off.
Easy to use but is there any way I can get the Inquisative tree?