Not too sure, but:
- Epic Toughness doesn't appear to add +50 hps
- Not sure if fighter is supposed to get bonus feats at epic levels too. If he is, level 22 is missing one.
Carry on.
~ Gaeryus (Sor9/Wiz7/Fvs4) Firebrand ~ ~ Phlegma (12Fgt/6Rog/2Pal)(L13)(eTR2) van Moyst ~
~ Hakashe (Pal14/Monk6)(L3)Nurigatu ~ ~ Koergan (Cle17/Brb2/Fgt1)Flamebeard ~
Ex-Captain of the Flying Funk ~ ~ Ascent ~ ~ Epic Farming Videos ~ ~ New and Exciting Bugs
Will have a look at the toughness issue. EDIT: Confirmed that it isn't adding as it should. Either Ron or DragonStar will need to address it as I think its more a codeing issue than the txt file
The Fighter one though - Fighters get a bonus feat every 2 fighter levels. The epic levels AFAIK are not counted as such - they are their own separate entity. If any one can confirm or deny this statement please do(My fighter is parked at 20 and can't see him getting out any time soon)
Last edited by Garix; 10-04-2013 at 12:13 PM.
Leader of Shrodingers Cat Support Group a Husband and Wife guild on Orien.
Tolkiens Law: Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
Dresdens corollary: Screw subtle!
Yeah, we'll take a look at it.
Should be WAI. Epic levels are not class levels, they are Epic levels. A pure level 22 fighter is not really 22 Fighter, he's 20 Fighter/2 Epic. AFAIK, they shouldn't get any bonus feats past 20.The Fighter one though - Fighters get a bonus feat every 2 fighter levels. The epic levels AFAIK are not counted as such - they are their own separate entity. If any one can confirm or deny this statement please do(My fighter is parked at 20 and can't see him getting out any time soon)
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
My pure fighter is level 28 and received the same feat progressions as my level 28 rogue once they were both level 20 +
SO my fighter got a feat at level 21 and level 24
then an epic destiny feat at level 26
a feat at level 27
and another epic destiny feat at 28
Edit: I meant to say this is what happened in the game.
Last edited by Bolo_Grubb; 10-04-2013 at 12:54 PM.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Guild: Ghallanda Rerolled
Artamax - Cleandeath - Cleanup - Dragonbound - Draykon - Gully - Magestic - Tinbucket
DDO Character Planner (Stable: Version 04.20.02) , Version 04.23.1 - Planner 5.0 Interface Discussion
~ Gaeryus (Sor9/Wiz7/Fvs4) Firebrand ~ ~ Phlegma (12Fgt/6Rog/2Pal)(L13)(eTR2) van Moyst ~
~ Hakashe (Pal14/Monk6)(L3)Nurigatu ~ ~ Koergan (Cle17/Brb2/Fgt1)Flamebeard ~
Ex-Captain of the Flying Funk ~ ~ Ascent ~ ~ Epic Farming Videos ~ ~ New and Exciting Bugs
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
I cannot seem to pick the Grandmaster of Forms feat on level 18 despite having 12 monk levels prior. Instead I can pick Master of Forms despite having that already as an autogrant. It thus appears that the autogranted Master of Forms isnt recognized properly.
first of all yes, there are definitely too many red borders going around, thank you for asking![]()
some enhancements can't be selected yet have no red border, the description highlights in red why it is that they cannot be selected. others do have a red border, even if it's quite clear (arrows) why they cannot be selected.
Even if we ignore the visual effect of the red borders, I'm having trouble seeing its contribution in terms of interface.
for example, if I can select a core enhancement, it has a white border, as all selectable enhancements do. perfect.
if I can't select it, and this is unique to arrow & core enhancements, it would either have no border, as with all other selectable enhancements, or it would have a red border, as with only arrow/core enhancements.
if it has a red border, selecting the previous in the chain would remove it, yet it won't necessarily make it selectable... so we've removed the red (i.e. the barrier) yet you still can't take it. why can't you? read the description, you'll see it there in red, as with all other enhancements... you see where I'm going with this![]()
why have for core/arrow enhancements red borders signifying some prerequisites, and their descriptions containing other prerequisites, rather than just stick to a uniform logic and have all of the enhancements' prerequisites appear in the descriptions, as is the case with most enhancements already?
forgive me my rant on interface logicI'll try to stay on topic.
the problem for me was mainly the contrast between the bright red borders and what was already a greyed out icon, making them appear darker than they really are.
but while reading your reply, the part about icons not looking dark to others stuck me as odd, as seemingly now (post calibration) my monitor should be showing colors/brightness properly... anyways long story short, started playing around with the screen resolution (the only variable left).
sure enough, the lower the resolution, the bigger the icons became, and as a result they became more differentiated from the colors around them, grew less dark and easier to look at.
so the problem I'm having with the graphics seems to mostly be the result of screen resolution making the background/border/icon group closer to each other, and the contrast between the colors and the grey making the icons appear darker than they are.
not sure if there's a way to make the icons' size proportional to the resolution rather than to have them at a fixed pixel size, but if there is that would be a nice touch.
Either way thank you very much Dragon star for helping me pin point the problem, and as a result find a workable solution (I can now just switch resolutions before hacking out a build). Thanks to you and it's become much easier to work with the character planner. most appreciated.
my screen resolution at the time was @ 1920x1200, if that helps... though I assume the resolution at which they'd become eye straining and dark would change from person to person.
The reason here is we tried to simulate the Live game as much as possible. So basically a user would know without looking at a tooltip. why the could select or not select an icon. Short answer (White: Selectable, Red Border: Missing Feat, Enhancement or its locked out due to another enhancement, No border: means you meet requirements expect level/AP spent).
This I can try and fix for the next update, I will try and tone down the brightness of the red borders, that might help a bit. Will most likely test it out on Destinies first and then if people like it will update enhancement to be the samethe problem for me was mainly the contrast between the bright red borders and what was already a greyed out icon, making them appear darker than they really are..
Your very welcome.Either way thank you very much Dragon star for helping me pin point the problem, and as a result find a workable solution (I can now just switch resolutions before hacking out a build). Thanks to you and it's become much easier to work with the character planner. most appreciated.
I myself run in 1920x1080, but like you said, Eye straining is different from person to screen resolution at the time was @ 1920x1200, if that helps... though I assume the resolution at which they'd become eye straining and dark would change from person to person.
Guild: Ghallanda Rerolled
Artamax - Cleandeath - Cleanup - Dragonbound - Draykon - Gully - Magestic - Tinbucket
DDO Character Planner (Stable: Version 04.20.02) , Version 04.23.1 - Planner 5.0 Interface Discussion
A few feat suggestions.
In the feat listings when we are selecting a feat.
Check boxes.
1. Show only those you can take.
2. Show only the special ones you can take. (aka the yellow and green feats ala fighter/monk training, caster metamagics, fvs/cleric religious)
3. Show only filtered. Filtered being it would reduce the feats shown by a search. (probably just text looking like how the AH works.)
Replies aren't needed as they are only suggestions.
Did find two bugs in the UI though. Build 04.19.02
Main page
The blue/green level buttons on the main page.
The first column of them. If you click left of the "L" it does not select the level you just clicked on. This is column L1 to L10.
Columns L11 to L20 and L21 to L28 will select that level when clicked anywhere on that blue button.
Enhancement page.
In my example, I'm a tri class. Paladin, Fvs, Fighter.
Unset several of the trees in order to make the drop down menu long.
Now of the tree panels visible, click on the drop down menu of the 3rd one. (right most)
If you try to select the 3rd visible option of that tree, chances are very likely when you click on it you will instead select the 'Reset All Trees' button due to the size/placement of the button.
Last edited by Missing_Minds; 10-07-2013 at 11:09 AM.
Okay, thanks, I'll take a look at it.
Huh, I thought we had already fixed that. We'll take another look at it.Enhancement page.
In my example, I'm a tri class. Paladin, Fvs, Fighter.
Unset several of the trees in order to make the drop down menu long.
Now of the tree panels visible, click on the drop down menu of the 3rd one. (right most)
If you try to select the 3rd visible option of that tree, chances are very likely when you click on it you will instead select the 'Reset All Trees' button due to the size/placement of the button.
Has anyone noticed any issues with the number of skill points available? I somehow ended up with more skill points in game than the planner indicated that I should (with a Warforged Arty build). Has anyone else seen this? I may have to take another look at how skill points are being calculated.
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
I don't know really. I've made two builds off near the same character. one from scratch with this build, and one from scratch in the previous release. The previous release save file screams at lvls 19 and 20 that something is wrong (what I have no clue) but reports -80 skill points spent. I don't recall having spent points at all.
The from scratch version of the file (I made class lvl split tweeks) doesn't have that issue.
I typically choose my skills on the fly. And... I want to say that more in game vs generator has existed for a while actually. I always figured it was just me, but the few times I have i think i did end up with more in game. I never tried to figure out what happened to verify a how and what.
edit: huh.. now that file reports -99 and -97 skill points to spend in the latest build vs -80 in the previous.
*does a beyond compare on the two files* Well.. I see why the skill reports what it does. not certain how that happened...
Instead of the last two lines of SKILLRAISE: being...
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
it is
0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 3, 0, 18, 1, 0, 18, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 3, 9, 0, 11, 3,
0, 24, 1, 0, 15, 1, 0, 15, 3, 0, 9, 1, 0, 21, 1, 0, 5, 3, 0, 1, 1,
Which means I guess at some point I tried to spend points, but that spread seriously doesn't make any sense to me at all. Assuming alignment, that would be near impossible to have spent in the planner I would have thought.
I'm just going to blame the user and ignore it myself, and just redo characters from scratch as needed.
Interesting. What is the version number of the save file (it's at the top of the file)?
I wonder if we have a load/save issue with skill points.
The locus of my identity is totally exterior to me.
"On my business card, I am a corporate president. In my mind, I am a game developer. But in my heart, I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata
One thing I did notice with the 04.19.02 build was that loading my Rogue's save file, generated by the last 3.xx build, resulted in 11.5 ranks in Spellcraft instead of 23 ranks in UMD.
There is definitely something going wrong with skill point allocation..
I leveled up my TR last week. I received my extra skill point from my +2 tome at level 7 rather than level 8 when it used to kick in.