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  1. #1
    Community Member Heathir's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Default Tring into PM and need help with past lives

    Howdy yall,

    I am on the TR train...My final build will be a PM, human or drow is still in the air...but here is my question. Which past lives?:

    I am leaning towards:

    3 Sorc (1st two are Done)
    3 FVS
    3 Wizard
    Then final on the 10th life.

    Speed isnt an issue, I have Otto's to run through all of the lives, but wondering if these are the lives i should set up, or i should add others drop some..etc?

    Thanks muches;-)

  2. #2
    2014 DDO Players Council
    Andoris's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2011


    If you are looking to max out spell casting past life benefits you would want:

    Wizard x3: +6 spell pen (Free Feat), +1 to all DC's and MM SLA (Taken Feat)
    Bard x1: +1 enchantment DC (Taken Feat)
    FvS x3: +3 spell pen +60 sp (Free Feat)
    Cleric x3: +3 conjuration DC's (Free Feat)
    Sorc x3: +3 evo DC's +60 sp (Free Feat)
    Completionist: +2 int (+1 to all dc's), +2 spell power (from skill boost)

    The other past lives are pretty meh for PM's imo. Barb can give you some hp and Arty for a bonus to spell craft, but neither of those benefits are worth it on their own.

  3. #3
    Community Member SynalonEtuul's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    On balance, cleric past lives will likely be a touch more useful than sorcerer ones - Web and Trap the Soul are very good DC spells.

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