Hey folks,
Back when we had the free experience stone I rolled up a Sorcerer just to see what it was like. To my surprise I found that I really enjoyed playing him as an earth savant but I understand that if I want to take him into EE content that may not be the best choice.
He is Drow with 460ish HP ( I have not even finished GS HP item ) and pushing 4K sp. I really couldn't tell you more about the build and I cannot log on to game now.
So question is:
With the current state of the game would a Fire based savant with earth back-up be able to be built into a good ( not best ) member of an EE raid party?
Given my playstyle and love of DoTs I really like the earth spells in sub-EE content and I just don't seem to be able to get the hang of playing an air savant.
Thanks for your advice.