I am done TRing my main Selee through off-lives, and will most likely be TRing her for the last time into sorc tonight. She has 2 wiz, 2 sorc, and 3 cleric past lives (God I hate being cleric).. I am currently thinking of going 16 sorc/2 fvs/2 pal with specs in fire, force and electric for wings. I will be going spell focus Conjuration because I love web enough to suffer through 3 past lives of cleric.. She will be human for the extra feat and healing amp. Here is what I am thinking of using for her build:
STR: 20=10 (base - 2 build points) +3 (tome) +7 (item)
DEX: 19=10 (base - 2 build points) +3 (tome) +6 (item)
CON: 27=14 (base - 6 build points) +3 (tome) +7 (item) +1 (exceptional) +2 (insightful)
INT: 24=15 (base - 8 build points) +3 (tome) +6 (item)
WIS: 19=10 (base - 2 build points) +3 (tome) +6 (item)
CHA: 48=18 (base - 16 build points) +5 (tome-already have) +7 (levelups) +5 (enhancements) +8 (item) +1 (exceptional) +2 (insight) +2 (ED - twisted in from spellsinger) - What am I missing here??
Non-CON and CHA stats may have some other buffs due to my random equipment but this is the base I know I have..
1) Maximize
1H) Empower
3) Wiz past life
6) Spell Focus Conj
9) Heighten
12) Grtr spell focus conj
15) Spell pen
18) Grtr spell pen
21) Epic spell pen
24) Epic spell focus Conj
27) Ruin? Epic CHA?
Leveling order - PSSSSSSSSPSSSSSSSSFF - start with Pal to get Heal as a class skill, then 8 sorc for wall of fire ASAP, then 2nd paladin for saves when spells kinda start to hurt some, then sorc till 18, then FvS to get more fire/force spell power.
Skills - Maxing Spellcraft, Heal, UMD and Concentration (after tomes kick in) every level will pretty much take all my skill points
I still have her +20 heart just in case I screw her up royally (or decide I just love pure sorc too much), but I would much rather not need it if at all possible. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated!