Yes, it's a build that's came out after the onset of MoTU. DDD stands for the Dire Defender Dreadnought. Essentially, it was a cleave-tarding sword and board build that took advantage of the large bonuses to Doublestrike that were granted in the expansion. I personally believe it works best with the bastard sword Nightmare, however the best alternative weapon was the Duergar Dwarven Waraxe. From a straight damage principle, the Waraxe is the clear winner with both the bonuses from Dreadnought and the overall damage properties of the weapon. However the Nightmare was so useful because of everything else on it. The whole point of the build was taking the offensive abilities we gained in the expansion, and applying them to a build with high defenses. When I was running mine, even when I was just S&Bing I was doing as much damage, or even more, than the Juggernauts in melee.
For Reference:,_the_Fallen_Moon
The sideways hop I mentioned has to be seen to be understood, more or less. During the attack chain, your third basic attack is a spin move that for some God awful reason hops you to the left each time. Like the other guy said, it's best to take the cleaves and alternate using them. Also you can get Supreme Cleave with only 3 levels of barbarian, which would potentially help this problem due to it's incredibly short cooldown and also because the only time this becomes a problem is when you're actually tanking a boss.
Also, for reference:
30% Action Boost (Druid, t2, Nature's warrior)
25% Block and Cut (t5 Stalwart attack, 10 sec uptime with 20sec cooldown)
8% Improved Shield Mastery
8% Skirmisher's Bracers
15% First Blood (one or the other)
5% Perfect TWF
3% Black Dragon bonus (Black dragon armour set)
4% Strike with no thought (Kensai core t3)
7% Legendary Shield Mastery
90% with Skirmisher's
97% with First Blood
Hope this assists you for any future reference.