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  1. #1
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Default Subtle Knuckles - Fighter 12, Monk 6, Paladin 2

    Fighter 12 / Monk 6 / Paladin 2

    Prescript notes:
    -Don't listen to the title! It LIES! Tehee
    After getting replies, it was pointed out that, DUH, Shadow Veil requires 6 monk (derp -.-) so I'm changing a lot.
    New build is: Fighter 12 / Monk 6 / Paladin 2
    This will lose 2 paladin levels, so more more spell book (nooooo!) but will get Shadow Veil (yeah!). Wont lose LoH (or many) but will lose Turn Undead which is required for Divine Might. This will have to be twisted in!

    -This is just kinda a theory build I worked on as a "I'm bored as h&11 and I want to make something". It is not "uber" nor "end all" nor "solo ALLLLL the epicz on elitez!!", but rather something that I find really fun and am looking for some constructive (or not so constructive, w/e) advice and criticism. The level layout (for me at least) is set in stone, but suggestions on other level splits is always within my liking!

    Notes after replies:
    -This build does not get Shadow Veil as it requires 6 monk (duh, retarted mistake on my behalf) NaturalHazard Suggested to go 12 fighter / 6 monk / 2 cleric, for a very similar build that would include Shadow Veil, Thanks!

    Subtle Knuckles (For lack of a better name, although the name seems to imply I'm a stealth build, as of which, I am not...)
    Breakdown: Fighter 12...Monk 6...Paladin 2
    Level-ups: M,Fx5,P,Fx3,M,F,P,F,M,F,M,F,M,M

    Idea behind the level split:
    -PL: Pally
    --Nice for the small heal-amp
    --Extra feat, heal-amp, human racial bonuses, damage boost.
    --No-brainer, just the obvious. Power surge, haste boost, weapon specialization, ect.
    --Monk 4 gives a base damage of 1.5[1d6] over monk 3 which is [1d6]. 6 monk for Shadow Veil, also for misc enhancements, heal-amp, and extra feats.
    --Divine Might (char --> str), LoH (got 4, each healing for 200+ with sub-optimal gear), cha --> saves, heal-amp, misc enhancements.
    NOTE: Divine might requires Turn Undead. This must be twisted in.

    Idea behind the build:
    -I wanted something that could dish out some nice numbers using Master's Blitz, hit super fast (fists + haste boost), has a high strength (mid 60's to mid 70's I believe), is a very low cost on parties due to high healing amp, -40% hate, 25% incorp, and displace (I'm sympathetic to healers, and when I play healbot, I love people with high healing amp and displacement!), and could Blitz / Fury manyshot.
    -NOTE: I ~LOVE~ manyshot, but I don't want it to become a main point in the build, so I attempted to add it in without losing any main attack damage and it worked great. This build has plenty of feat slots, and they would have gone to (for the most part IMO) sub-optimal feats, so I figured why not try manyshot.

    Stats something kinda like this (when I made the toon, I had very little in the name of tomes- only +2- so I had to go with higher dex than I would have liked):

    Starting Stats: (32 pt build)
    -Strength: 15 levelups here
    -Dexterity: 15 (if +4 tome: 12 and put extra into con or str)
    -Constitution: 14
    -Intelligence: 10
    -Wisdom: 8
    -Charisma: 14

    Starting Stats: (34 pt build)
    -Strength: 16 level-ups here
    -Dexterity: 15 (if +4 tome: 12 and put extra into con or str)
    -Constitution: 14
    -Intelligence: 10
    -Wisdom: 8
    -Charisma: 14

    NOTE: Con is a bit low. If has never been a problem for me, as a bit 'o gear is plenty to raise up hit points, but if it is a problem for you, just take strength down to 14 to get some extra points. (2 less strength really doesn't matter anyways.) 21 BASE con (starting con + levelups + tomes) is required for Epic Toughness. Obviously, I didn't go for that.

    Skill Points:
    -Heal is a good investment, as it increases ability to self heal
    -UMD is a great investment, as it opens up the ability to use Tenser's and Displacement scrolls

    Feat Selection (please note that when I chose these feats, I was already level 20 and was using a Heart of Wood, so I am not sure if they are in optimal leveling order):
    -Power Attack
    -Two Weapon Fighting (Human)
    -Toughness (Fighter)
    -Point Blank Shot (Fighter)
    -Weapon Focus Bludgeoning
    -Rapid Shot (Fighter)
    -Weapon Focus Ranged (Fighter)
    -Improved Two Weapon Fighting (Fighter)
    -Improved Critical Bludgeoning
    -Manyshot (Fighter)
    -Deflect Arrows <--- burner feat: don't know what else to put here, and it is kinda like having a 20% arrow dodge chance so I thought it MAY be helpful.
    -Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    -Weapon Specialization Bludgeoning (Fighter)
    -Bow Strength
    -Monk Path: Fists of Light (Monk)
    -Magical Training (Echo s of Power = Endless cocoon . If you have Con-Op and don't care, take something else here)
    -Greater Weapon Specialization Bludgeoning (Fighter)
    -Toughness (Monk) (Placeholder) <--- Precision?
    -Toughness (Placeholder) <--- I got no clue and need a suggestion :/
    -Empower Healing (this is for cocoon)
    -Perfect Two Weapon Fighting (Destiny) <--- this any good? Seems nice. What's better? Suggestions welcome.
    -Blinding Speed <--- completely unnecessary in a group environment, but I like to solo, and I don't have enough clickies / pots for it. This is an open slot, then, if you don't care about perma-haste. Suggestions welcome.
    -First Blood <--- unsure about what else to put here, and this is just for my taste. Probably not the best. Suggestions welcome.

    -For me, just +2's, +4's would be helpful and may come for me in the future.

    Enhancements (in progress):

    --Core: Kensei Focus, Spiritual Bond, Strike With No Thought, Power Surge
    --Tier 1: Extra Action Boosts 2, Weapon Group Specialization, Action Boost 3 (Haste)
    --Tier 2: Weapon Group Specialization, Weapon Meditation 2
    --Tier 5: Weapon Group Specialization
    --Tier 4: Weapon Group Specialization
    Sub total: 23
    Total: 23
    --Core: Bastion of Purity, Prot. from Tainted Creatures
    --Tier 1: Deft Strikes 3
    --Tier 2: Iron Skin 3

    -Ninja Spy
    --Core: Ninja Training, Ninja Training, Shadow Veil
    --Tier 1: Abrobatic 3, Sneak Attack Training 1
    --Tier 2: Subtlety 3
    Sub total: 28
    Total: 51
    -Knight of the Chal.
    --Core: Slayer of Evil
    --Tier 1: Extra Turning 3, Attack Boost 1
    --Tier 2: Divine Might 3

    -Sacred Defender
    --Core: Holy Bastion
    --Tier 1: Extra Lay on Hands 3
    Sub total: 16
    Total: 67
    Core: Human Versatility
    Tier 1: Action Surge 2 (Str), Improved Recovery
    Tier 2: Action Surge 2 (Cha)
    Tier 3: Action Surge 2 (Con), Improved Recovery
    Sub total: 13
    Total: 80

    Epic Destinies:
    -Legendary Dreadnought:
    --Just the usual, expected stuffz
    --Healing Cocoon
    --Primal Scream
    --Turn Undead

    -Gear, in my opinion, is too specific to each player and the amount of time he/she has to grind for it. For these reasons, I'm leaving gear blank. Just think of whatever is the best for your own play-style.

    End notes:
    -Heal-amp: x2.37 / 337% total. 10% shintao + 20% human + 10% ship + 5% PL pally + 30% item + 20% item
    -Displace: always throwing displacement scrolls
    -Incorp: 25% incorp from Shadow Veil
    -Subtlety: -40% threat (I'm not a tank: I like dishing out damage and not taking any!)
    -Off-hand hit chance: 90% (GTWF: 80% + Deft Strikes: 10% = 90%)
    -Double-strike: 5% + 10% offhand from Perfect TWF (this was a nice- but not planned for- addition)
    -PR: Always in earth, 15 PRR from iron skin, plus whatever else I took. So: low, but meh

    Tons of fun for me! Love to be able to hit HARD and really fast and still be able to situationally pull out a bow for long range mob softening without losing any main damage (too many of my toons tried for manyshot and, in the process, lost sight of main weapon damage and therefore suffered greatly in epics).

    Would love to hear some feedback.
    Last edited by Clemeit; 09-27-2013 at 10:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Willan's Avatar
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    Shadowveil requires 6 monk

  3. #3
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willan View Post
    Shadowveil requires 6 monk
    One option would be monk 6 / pal 2 and Twist in Bane of Undeath to gain TUs. But he'd lose access to Emp Heal and LoHs would be halved.

    Also, I didn't see mention of which stance(s) OP planned to use, but I would add Master and/or GM of Forms to boost them; they're now feats you can take @ lvls 12 & 18 on MCed monk builds (pure monks are auto-granted them at those lvls).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  4. #4
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    Interesting idea. Though, as others have said, it seems much more viable actually qualifying for Shadow Veil and a 6mnk/2pal split instead. 16 starting CHA is also kind of questionable to me, as it seems like those last 4 build points could be better spent. Keep in mind that you only get 1 STR for every point of CHA modifier. Over all, though, something interesting to consider.

  5. #5
    Community Member NaturalHazard's Avatar
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    how about 2 cleric instead of paladin? the big loss though is to your saves but you get more sp, 2 levels for 6 monk and shadowveil and wont have to spend a feat on adept of forms? Also do get divine might and that tasty battle cleric smite weakness for boss beatdowns.

  6. #6
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Willan View Post
    Shadowveil requires 6 monk
    Thank you! Good catch!

  7. #7
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    One option would be monk 6 / pal 2 and Twist in Bane of Undeath to gain TUs. But he'd lose access to Emp Heal and LoHs would be halved.

    Also, I didn't see mention of which stance(s) OP planned to use, but I would add Master and/or GM of Forms to boost them; they're now feats you can take @ lvls 12 & 18 on MCed monk builds (pure monks are auto-granted them at those lvls).
    Awesome suggestions on the feats. How new are they? I have been offline for a long time now and probably missed a bunch of stuff. This build was done just with saved offline wiki pages from a while ago. And stance = Earth I assume, or is there better?

  8. #8
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedHost View Post
    Interesting idea. Though, as others have said, it seems much more viable actually qualifying for Shadow Veil and a 6mnk/2pal split instead. 16 starting CHA is also kind of questionable to me, as it seems like those last 4 build points could be better spent. Keep in mind that you only get 1 STR for every point of CHA modifier. Over all, though, something interesting to consider.
    Good point, it is a kinda high starting charisma for some. I like it though. 4 points could give another +2 Str (+1 mod), but these 4 points in charisma give a +1 str, and +1 saves, more healing from LoH, +1 to all cha skills, ect.
    Last edited by Clemeit; 09-29-2013 at 05:09 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaturalHazard View Post
    how about 2 cleric instead of paladin? the big loss though is to your saves but you get more sp, 2 levels for 6 monk and shadowveil and wont have to spend a feat on adept of forms? Also do get divine might and that tasty battle cleric smite weakness for boss beatdowns.
    Yeah, that really seems like a much more viable path. I'm greatly thinking of TRing into what you suggested, or using 2 hearts.... I just wish the +20 heart let you switch out a class for something else on a 3 classed toon... :/

  10. #10
    Community Member Clemeit's Avatar
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    Awesome feedback. This is exactly why I posted this build: knowing that I probably made tons of very crucial mistakes

    The fact that Shadow Veil requires 6 monk hit me in the gut, but to be honest, I like the idea of going 12 fighter / 6 monk / 2 cleric. Doing so, I would lose char -> saves, and 3 LoH (a kinda big hit :/), but other than that... wouldn't really hurt anything. To be honest, I wanted LoH just for emergency holy sh%7 moments, but as far as I can see, that doesn't require 4 of em. I think that 1 or 2 should be plenty fine when main heals come from cocoon anyhow.
    Also, as pointed out (thanks NaturalHazard), going 2 cleric would grant more SP, so more healing.

    After some consideration, I will go the 12 fighter / 6 monk / 2 paladin route.
    Gain: Shadow Veil
    Lose: 1 paladin spell (who cares)

    Thanks for the feedback, peace!
    Last edited by Clemeit; 09-29-2013 at 05:04 PM.

  11. 09-26-2013, 11:08 AM

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