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  1. #1
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010

    Default Lemmings and Lava

    From the Lamannia Known Issues Marked as WAI:


    Hirelings will path to monsters across water if they think they can jump across. They aren't very good swimmers though, and if they don't make the jump, you will have to recall them to you."

    Can I just ask one question?

    Why do hirelings believe Lava/Acid to be Water?

    I don't mind it being WAI that Hires can't Swim - I do Mind that they show the survival instincts of a recipient of the Darwin Awards whenever they come within 50 feet of Lava or Acid!

    Can you please teach Hirelings that Lava/Acid are NOT Water and indeed should NOT IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCES be stepped in!

  2. #2
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Oh yes and I'd be happy if you'd also remove the Mobs Immunities to Acid/Lava/Traps etc.

    Please think of some other way to avoid players taking advantage of Mob Pathing.

    It's so annoying when Hobgoblin Archers in Gianthold back off into Lava and continue shooting - Especially when my Hire insists on following them {BTW when I'm on a Character that Can I do cast Resist Fire on my Hire when entering GH Slayer, Resist Acid/Elec in Proof is in the Poison etc.}.

    My issue is really the double standards that Hirelings don't get the same immunities as Mobs - If the Hobgoblin Shaman can stand in the middle of the spinning blade trap WHY can't my Hireling Cleric?
    If the Skelly Archer can stand in an Acid Jet why does my Hireling Cleric die the instant she rushes in to beat on said Archer?

    Hirelings supposedly were given extra bonuses vs traps but these are nowhere near what Mobs get and frankly of little use - It's long past time for Hirelings to be given the same treatment as Mobs {or for mobs to be given the same treatment as Hires!}.

  3. #3
    Community Member FranOhmsford's Avatar
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    Jun 2010


    Epic Hires

    What is going on?

    Fav Souls from Lvl 21-25 {One new Cleric I believe at Lvl 26 who seems to be a straight copy of Wyoh - 25 FS being a straight copy of Albus!}.

    Where's the Imagination gone Devs?

    Let's take them in order:

    FvS 21: Selis {Drow}
    Mass Cure Serious {Rofl}, Death Pact {doesn't work!}, True Res and Energy Drain {Pointless on a Hire}

    Swap Mass Cure Serious for Heal
    Swap Death Pact for Mass Deathward
    Swap Energy Drain for Cometfall

    Spec her out as a Boosted Larafay - Really go all out on Default Holds/Implosions when on Active
    When put on Defensive however make her go all out on Heal & Mass Cure Critical

    FvS 22: Luna {Halfling}
    Mass Heal {Aaaaargh}, Judgement {Lol}, Greater Resto, True Res.

    Again she insists on Casting Mass Heal {Unquickened} rather than Heal - Make Heal the Default and only cast Mass when specifically ordered to!}.
    Swap Judgement for Crown of Retribution.

    AoV & Exalted Angel

    FvS 23: Brec {Dwarf}
    Renewal, True Res, Smite the Wicked {Waste of a slot}, Heroes Feast{Really?}

    Swap Renewal for Bane of Undeath/Vigor of Battle Stance - Obviously spec him out for those Turns and have him use them voluntarily whenever within 5 feet of 2 or more Undead.
    Swap Smite the Wicked for Mass Heal {again make Heal the Default with Mass Heal only when specifically ordered}
    Swap Heroes Feast for Mass Deathward

    War-Priest & Unyielding Sentinel!

    FvS 24: Andaro {Human}
    Firestorm, Judgement, True Res, Heal

    Swap Judgement for Implosion {make sure he has at least high enough DC to kill 4/5 on E-Hard Lvl 23 quests}.
    Swap Firestorm for Blade Barrier {again the DC should be worthwhile!}.
    Swap Heal for Mass Heal but again make Heal the Default - Mass should ONLY be cast when specifically ordered!}

    AoV and Maxed out Exalted Angel!

    The Lvl 25+ Hirelings have not been added to the wiki as yet but from what I saw on live they seem to be straight copies of Wyoh and Albus!

    Now to the lack of Epic Clerics - There's a Quick fix here:

    Push Miranda Kelven {Lvl 12} up to Lvl 13
    Push Dheran Giles {Lvl 13} up to Lvl 14
    Push Tempys Lorben {Lvl 14} up to Lvl 15
    Push Jatrina Sartosa {Lvl 15} up to Lvl 16
    Push Isadora Ironclaw {Lvl 16} up to Lvl 17
    Push Natasha Thorsten {Lvl 16} up to Lvl 18 {Two Level Jumps now}
    Push Ayron Staliya {Lvl 17} up to Lvl 19 {Make her a lot less squishy!}
    Push Heystack Ironhorse {Lvl 18} up to Lvl 20
    Push Klin {Lvl 19} up to Lvl 21 {War-Priest & Unyielding Sentinel}
    Push Wyoh {Lvl 20} up to Lvl 22 {Radiant Exalted Angel}

    Now we need secondary choices at Lvl 23-24 {Brec and Andaro being the ONLY current choices}:

    Lvl 23 - New Male H-Orc Druid Hireling {Primal Avatar of course}
    Lvl 24 - New Female Drow Bard Hireling {Spellsinger & Maxed out Fatesinger}

    And for 25-28

    Lvl 25 - New Male Elf Shiradi Ranger Hireling with Healing Spring, Rejuvenation Cocoon etc.
    Lvl 26 - New Male Halfling Bard Hireling {Spellsinger, Maxed out Fatesinger and Twists}
    Lvl 27 - New Female H-Elf Cleric Hireling {Divine Disciple + Exalted Angel and grab all Undead Boosts from Radiant}
    Lvl 28 - New Male Dwarf Cleric Hireling {Radiant + Unyielding Sov + Twists from Angel}

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