Sarlonans have been asking me about this build for years. Not so much how the build is created, since most of us are savvy enough to put the pieces together ourselves, but more about how it plays and how it holds up in endgame content. Well... I'm currently enjoying a break from TRing, sitting at level cap and found myself bored enough to want to make a video to sum up the build's playability. If you enjoy a high dps, self-sufficient and agile toon with a lot of "moving parts", then this play style is for you. A few years ago, this build became the most fun I've had in DDO since release. With each update, it just gets better and better.
This is a quick solo run through EE Feast or Famine with a level 28 Undead Monk (12Wiz/6Monk/2Fighter) Dreadnought.