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Thread: cleric aa

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011

    Default cleric aa

    i have a character about to finish their third ranger life and was thinking of reincarnating into cleric for the active past life on future builds.

    i so far have thought of...
    6rng/14cleric str based build, comes with many ranged feats, leaving other feat slots available. goes well with divine str buffs still able to get 7th lv spells, allows deepwood for sniper shot, aa without racial and potential to not be elven
    6mnk/14cleric wis/dex build, 10kstars, evasion, higher spell dc's, extra feats same cleric bonuses as before

    would it be better to go pure? why?

    any other suggestions?

  2. #2
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    See wowo's monkcher thread. Unfortunately, I think he stopped playing several months ago, so he's unlikely to update these builds. But the core concepts haven't changed too much. You can also see the Radiant Archer in my sig, though I haven't gotten around to updating them, either. Too many build ideas, not enough time...

    The fundamental question is: are you an archer with a lot of cleric buffs & heals; or a cleric who whips out a longbow once in a while (mostly for Manyshot)? That affects how many cleric lvls you want, what your split between ranged vs metamagic feats should be, core stats, etc.

    U19 made several tweaks to AAs in general and monkchers in particular. On the plus side: they got rid of most feat pre-reqs for PrEs, so you no longer need WF:Ranged & Mental Toughness (or arcane splash) for AA, nor Dodge for Ninja; you can mix-n-match PrE abilities more, so you can have, e.g., Shadow Veil on a light monk; you can add higher-tier monk stances to MCed monk builds (e.g., Master Earth stance for +1 crit multiplier); there are a lot more goodies in the AA tree than before, like secondary imbues, Inferno Shot, etc.

    On the downside: you can only take the T5 enhancements from one PrE tree (in this case, you cannot have both Slaying Arrows and Radiant auras); the AP cost for maxing out AA tree is a lot higher than before (tho again that's because there are more toys to play with, too); 10K Stars is now a chosen feat rather than monk enh; the racial AA tree pushes the capstone out to char lvl 25.

    I posted a FvS monkcher here; a cleric version would be almost identical, although as you can see it's a feat-constrained build.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011


    this is what i came up with based on based around the character i plan on putting into this build for my cleric past life, any thoughts

    also, due to errors with the builder, 10k stars could not be selected at 6monk for bonus feat, so assume that happened, and arcane archer wouldn't save into epic levels

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.19.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 Lawful Neutral Elf Female
    (6 Monk \ 1 Rogue \ 13 Cleric \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 413
    Spell Points: 1530 
    BAB: 13\13\18\23
    Fortitude: 15
    Reflex: 17
    Will: 22
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (36 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength              8                    12
    Dexterity            16                    22
    Constitution         10                    15
    Intelligence         16                    20
    Wisdom               18                    29
    Charisma              8                    12
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 2
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 6
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 10
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Charisma used at level 14
    +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 18
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               7                    20
    Bluff                -1                     9
    Concentration         2                    33
    Diplomacy            -1                     9
    Disable Device        7                    36
    Haggle                3                    13
    Heal                  6                    40
    Hide                  3                    14
    Intimidate           -1                     9
    Jump                  3                    13
    Listen                4                    22
    Move Silently         3                    14
    Open Lock             7                    18
    Perform              n/a                    n/a
    Repair                3                    13
    Search                7                    41
    Spellcraft            5                    15
    Spot                  8                    26
    Swim                 n/a                    n/a
    Tumble                n/a                  n/a
    Use Magic Device      3                    13
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
    Enhancement: Elf - Elven Accuracy (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Keen Senses (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Level 2 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Elf - Keen Senses (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Elf - Keen Senses (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Level 3 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
    Enhancement: Elf - Arcanum (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Level 4 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Zen Archery
    Enhancement: Elf - Arcane Archer (Rank 1)
    Level 5 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Precision
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Grace (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Skill (Rank 1)
    Level 6 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
    Feat: (Selected) Precise Shot
    Level 7 (Monk)
    Level 8 (Monk)
    Level 9 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Manyshot
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Smite Foe (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Wall of Steel (Rank 1)
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Resilience of Battle (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Level 21 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Combat Archery
    Level 22 (Cleric)
    Level 23 (Cleric)
    Level 24 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Great Wisdom
    Level 25 (Cleric)
    Level 26 (Cleric)
    Level 27 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Ruin
    Feat: (Deity) Favored by the Silver Flame
    Level 28 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Elf - Elven Dexterity (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Arcane Archer (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Morphic Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Metalline Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Aligned Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Shadow Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Master of Imbuement (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Conjure Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Shock Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Smiting Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Moonbow (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Arrow of Slaying (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Improved Elemental Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Runebow (Rank 1)

  4. #4
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    is there a viable way to include master of forms for water stance's passive ki regen?

  5. #5
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Sure: take Master stance at 18, move IPS to 21, CA to 24, and take whatever you like @ 27. Or you could drop rog splash for, say, ftr; that gets you an extra martial feat somewhere and cheap Haste Boost to boot. Up to you how important those rog skills really are...
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #6
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Hello. Does anyone know for sure if 10k stars really is a martial feat? I haven't a monk so i can't test..

    Wiki also doesn't include it in Martial feats so i'm kinda confused..

  7. #7
    Community Member
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by supott View Post
    Hello. Does anyone know for sure if 10k stars really is a martial feat? I haven't a monk so i can't test..

    Wiki also doesn't include it in Martial feats so i'm kinda confused..
    10k stars is a martial feat

  8. #8
    Community Member
    Join Date
    May 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by RandomFireGuy View Post
    10k stars is a martial feat
    Thank u very much! Lol well.... thats a relief... i thot it was stupid it wasnt listed..

  9. #9
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2011


    i'm thinking of going with this, for more damage (assume 10kstars at 7 and master of forms at 15 and assume enhancement resets throughout as it would be less fluid and i would need resets as i reach certain levels to be more efficent [ie dropping ranger arcane archer tier ones at lv 4 for elf arcane archer])

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 04.19.01
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 28 Lawful Neutral Elf Female
    (6 Monk \ 1 Ranger \ 13 Cleric \ 8 Epic) 
    Hit Points: 387
    Spell Points: 1630 
    BAB: 14\14\19\24
    Fortitude: 16
    Reflex: 17
    Will: 22
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (36 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 28)
    Strength             16                    20
    Dexterity            16                    22
    Constitution          8                    13
    Intelligence          8                    12
    Wisdom               18                    29
    Charisma             10                    14
    Tomes Used
    +1 Tome of Strength used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Dexterity used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Constitution used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Intelligence used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Wisdom used at level 2
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 2
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 6
    +2 Tome of Charisma used at level 6
    +3 Tome of Strength used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Dexterity used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Constitution used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Intelligence used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Wisdom used at level 10
    +3 Tome of Charisma used at level 10
    +4 Tome of Strength used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Dexterity used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Constitution used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Intelligence used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Wisdom used at level 14
    +4 Tome of Charisma used at level 14
    +5 Tome of Constitution used at level 18
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 28)
    Balance               5                    16
    Bluff                 0                    10
    Concentration         3                    32
    Diplomacy             0                    10
    Disable Device       n/a                    n/a
    Haggle                0                    10
    Heal                  8                    40
    Hide                  3                    14
    Intimidate            0                    10
    Jump                  7                    17
    Listen                4                    19
    Move Silently         3                    14
    Open Lock             n/a                  n/a
    Perform               n/a                  n/a
    Repair               -1                     9
    Search               -1                    11
    Spellcraft           -1                     9
    Spot                  8                    26
    Swim                  n/a                  n/a
    Tumble                n/a                  n/a
    Use Magic Device      0                    10
    Level 1 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Past Life) Past Life: Ranger
    Feat: (Selected) Point Blank Shot
    Level 2 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Zen Archery
    Level 3 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Bonus) Precision
    Feat: (Selected) Rapid Shot
    Level 4 (Monk)
    Feat: (Monk Path) Path of Inevitable Dominion: Fists of Darkness
    Level 5 (Monk)
    Level 6 (Monk)
    Feat: (Selected) Precise Shot
    Level 7 (Monk)
    Level 8 (Cleric)
    Level 9 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Manyshot
    Level 10 (Cleric)
    Level 11 (Cleric)
    Level 12 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Critical: Ranged Weapons
    Level 13 (Cleric)
    Level 14 (Cleric)
    Level 15 (Cleric)
    Level 16 (Cleric)
    Level 17 (Cleric)
    Level 18 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Improved Precise Shot
    Level 19 (Cleric)
    Level 20 (Cleric)
    Level 21 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Combat Archery
    Level 22 (Cleric)
    Level 23 (Cleric)
    Level 24 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Level 25 (Cleric)
    Level 26 (Cleric)
    Level 27 (Cleric)
    Feat: (Selected) Epic: Ruin
    Feat: (Deity) Favored by the Silver Flame
    Level 28 (Cleric)
    Enhancement: Elf - Elven Accuracy (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Elven Dexterity (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Elven Accuracy (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Arcanum (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Arcane Archer (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Aerenal Weapon Training (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Elf - Skill (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Smite Foe (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Resilience of Battle (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Divine Might (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Divine Might (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Toughness (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Wall of Steel (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Inflame (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Warpriest (Clr) - Righteous Weapons (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Arcane Archer (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Morphic Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Metalline Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Aligned Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Shadow Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Master of Imbuement (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Conjure Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Shock Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Dispelling Shot (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Dispelling Shot (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Dispelling Shot (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Inferno Shot (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Terror Arrows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 2)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Paralyzing  Arrows (Rank 3)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Wisdom (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Moonbow (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Arrow of Slaying (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Arcane Archer (Elf) - Runebow (Rank 1)
    Enhancement: Deepwood Stalker (Rgr) - Far Shot (Rank 1)

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