I am wondering if anyone has a build, focused on the idea of a wizard (I doubt sorcerer would work well for this) built to maximize enchantment. The idea would be for the caster to get within range of a mob filled room, to cast into it, Mass Suggestion or Mass Charm Monster using Extend, Enlarge and Heighten, followed by a similarly enhanced Otto's Sphere of Dancing, then basically wait till the room is clear. I would expect to also have a Summoned Pet and/or a Skeletal Knight to help clear any mobs not ensorcelled and as they break the enchantment (can you have both a skeletal knight and a summoned pet at the same time?).

Obviously the build would be focused on maximizing the effectiveness of enchantment spells, their DC, spell penetration, reducing the cost of Extend, Enlarge and Heighten, etc.. I am thinking probably a drow elf with tier five Archmage enhancements and capstone, with enough maybe in Palemaster to boost the skeletal knight to something decent. The Augment Summons feat would be a no-brainer.

Were I designing this toon, I would call it "Army of One".