Yes the quality of the updates are getting worse, more stuf does get broken (and as luck has it, fixed again).
i understand the anger over this, lately i point these out on the forum after (nearly?) 6+ years of lurking on the forums, in what even i call walking along a fine line along decent language, atleast i use an old dual box account, biggest impact is loosing a few openers. so far it has been fine.
Problem is that your way of saying it took it a bit to far (however right you were). these people who's help you require do have ego's, you bruised theirs. Never Bruise theirs unless you have a bigger stick (the rules/law on your side).
Back to the isues,
I have posted several comments over several treads on the U19 lag.
After some deducting the only result we found was that the lag came from turbines end.
After the last update the lag seems to be shorter and slightly less frequent for me.
Prior to U19 i rarely had lag, usualy in certain spots:eg shroud part1 before the chests, places where everybody has that.
I7 6core, 32 gig ddr3 ram, 64 gig ssd for windows, 64 gig ssd for DDO all other stuff is on a 4 terabyte HD with a 32 gig ssd funtioning as a buffer memory, being used for thrash, so the windows/ddo ssd stays clean,
2X readon HD7970's vid cards Sisco prof modem working fine (and the list goes on, i'm prety sure the hard ware is not to slow)
After some testing by a network nerd friend of mine (his job is network and related programming), he concluded the lag realy seems to come from the server side of things.