The challenge is to roll 46-47 gold rolls and record all results (with the added bonus of only using shards made from the ASAH).
79 - Supreme Siberys Spirit Cake and 4000xp Worth 350 Tp
89 - 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts. and 5000xp 480 Tp
27 - 5 Potions of Fire Shield (Warm). and 2000xp (not in store but 10 scolls for 30 Tp so 15 tp estimate)
51 - 5 Elixirs of Angels Tears. and 3000xp (50 Tp each)
98 - 4 Tome of Skill (Perform +4). and 8000xp 695 Tp
21 - 5 Potions of Fire Shield (Cool). and 2000xp (not in store but 10 scolls for 30 Tp so 15 tp estimate)
82 - 5 Major Slayer Count Boosts. and 5000xp 480 Tp
75 - Jeweler's Tool Kit and 4000xp
100 - +4 Upgrade Tome of Constitution (+3 to +4), and a Thinking Cap. 10000xp
19 - 10,542 Platinum Pieces. 1000xp
The first 10 rolls