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Thread: EE Tor Duo'd

  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Oct 2009

    Thumbs up EE Tor Duo'd

    So a guildie(Necromonk) and I decided to take a run at EE tor with just the two of us and see how we'd fair, not sure if its a big deal or anything now that we are level 28 but we did manage to kill all 3 pairs. The first two were rather easy and the blue guys took 2 tries but we got 'em dun.

    Fun stuff... had to chug a few pots in the blue room but that's about it.

    So close....

  2. #2
    Intergalactic Space Crusader
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    Default Nice1

    Wowzers! I've never run EE T0R with less than a full party. I'm impressed! Nice game play!

  3. #3
    Community Member cdr's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Well done.

    Blue is easiest to solo for my shiradi wiz (all about the reflex) and white isn't much more difficult, but black I haven't managed because of the Mantled giant. I should try black again now that I'm better built and geared.

  4. #4
    Community Member debo's Avatar
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    I would have said congrats, but when I noticed you were doing it the cheesy way where you don't get hurt as much, it's not something I would personally brag about.

    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    but black I haven't managed because of the Mantled giant. I should try black again now that I'm better built and geared.
    That safe spot is still there, you could always use that and just say you didn't use it and then claim your work was hard fought and tough.
    Last edited by debo; 09-18-2013 at 08:47 PM.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by cdr View Post
    Well done.

    Blue is easiest to solo for my shiradi wiz (all about the reflex) and white isn't much more difficult, but black I haven't managed because of the Mantled giant. I should try black again now that I'm better built and geared.
    Does suck on a Shiradi wiz. Last time I soloed the whole thing on EE I still had a major focus on cold spellpower so I could just cold dot him. Takes longer than missiles but eh, still got the job done.

    To OP, no it's not as big of a deal as it used to be to shortman it. But it's still a nice achievement, grats.

  6. #6
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Nice shots, bro. Here are a couple that I took...

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ScreenShot00060.jpg"/></a>

    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo ScreenShot00061.jpg"/></a>

    it's funny, I just ran an EE run in a pug. I was casually running along, taking trash mobs out on the way to the white dragon (NOT aggro'ing more than a couple of mobs at a time) when the party leader started in with a really horrible attitude about pulling too many mobs. I know the instance he was referring to, but it wasn't me and he didn't call me by name at that point. I didn't think much of it until an encounter or two later he called me out by name. I was handling 4 trash mobs without much issue and they weren't aggro'd on anybody but me... the dude started bashing my build, claiming it was "the old monk/wizard build from 2006" and berating me about either stopping or never clicking on his lfm's again. This particular FvS I have seen in other pugs and I've seen his drama taken out on other players. At that time I didn't realize how poisonous his attitude was, but now I clearly see what he brings to his groups. Needless to say, I had MUCH more fun running this with you, P.

    2006? As in... when the level cap was 10 and we were all playing pure build? Really? Was he even around then? I know my monk/wizard wasn't. Pale masters CERTAINLY were not around yet.

    Oh... and the guy wanted me to melee the white dragon. What sense does that make? Standing next to a dragon encased in ice is the best plan for my role in that room? Ugh.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  7. #7
    Community Member Draiden's Avatar
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    Nice shots, bro. Here are a couple that I took...

    it's funny, I just ran an EE run in a pug. I was casually running along, taking trash mobs out on the way to the white dragon (NOT aggro'ing more than a couple of mobs at a time) when the party leader started in with a really horrible attitude about pulling too many mobs. I know the instance he was referring to, but it wasn't me and he didn't call me by name at that point. I didn't think much of it until an encounter or two later he called me out by name. I was handling 4 trash mobs without much issue and they weren't aggro'd on anybody but me... the dude started bashing my build, claiming it was "the old monk/wizard build from 2006" and berating me about either stopping or never clicking on his lfm's again. This particular FvS I have seen in other pugs and I've seen his drama taken out on other players. At that time I didn't realize how poisonous his attitude was, but now I clearly see what he brings to his groups. Needless to say, I had MUCH more fun running this with you, P.

    2006? As in... when the level cap was 10 and we were all playing pure build? Really? Was he even around then? I know my monk/wizard wasn't. Pale masters CERTAINLY were not around yet.

    Oh... and the guy wanted me to melee the white dragon. What sense does that make? Standing next to a dragon encased in ice is the best plan for my role in that room? Ugh.
    Proud Leader of Redemption

  8. #8
    Community Member achitophel's Avatar
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    I keep thinking this thread is FoT. However, it is not.

    I miss my.ddo, used to be a great place to keep all of these achievement pics.


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