Hello DDO staff,
This would make a nice raid.
Its difficulty is more raid like and everything about it is more raid like than quest like.
The main difficulties involved would be that the Stormhold Mountains is not a raid wilderness.
This could be address in several ways, the easiest would be a ToD type public area entrance with teleporter npc.
It could be Chrono style with no 20th list and a timer.
It could Tempest Spine style with no list or timer.
It could have both added.
Add a drop rate for heroic commendations since everyone needs that.
Add a tiny drop rate for the new hearts coming up.
Other named loot optional but could be worked on even variations of the pack named loot?
The Xpack can have a raid with it easily with some work.
This would make a nice raid, please consider converting it.
Thank you,
Fawngate of Khyber