Lantern Ring
EH +3 Con Black Helm
EH +3 Str Black Helm*
EE Jeweled Cloak
EE Glorious Dawn
EE Jorgundal's Collar
EE Spiked Boots
+10 Dex of +50 False Life Trinket
+10 Cha of +10 Resistance Trinket
Deadly 10 of Resistance 10 Goggles
Globe of True Imperial Blood
Shadow and Fire Dragon Scales
Anniversary Cards
Health 10 Seeking 10 Gauntlets
Health 10, Dodge 10 Boots
Clever 10 Resistance 10 Helm
Cha 10 Resistance 10 Helm
EE Thunder and Lightning
Purple Dragon Shield
Drow Khopesh, Rapier, and Great Axe
Seal of Dun’Ro’Bar (Combat Mastery 5, +7 str)
Lots of Various EE and EH Gianthold gear (Just ask)
Significant quantities of Large and Medium Guild Augment Weapons/armor/items (Just ask)
Lots of Epic Scrolls (just ask)
Pale Green Ioun Stone
ML14: Paralyzing of Lacerating Collar
ML14: Elite Ghost-waking Cloak
+4 Intelligence Tome, +4 Constitution Tome, +3 tomes of every type
FRDS, FGDS, Martial/Mystical/Greater/Lesser Power cells, Scales of all types, Astral Shards, Plat, etc.
Lots of other stuff not listed -- just ask, I likely have it or can get it.
Epic Otto's Boxes
Contact me in game or via PM please
Items with '*' need to be traded via the ASAH