Last edited by Tilomere; 08-04-2015 at 05:42 PM.
Has there been any word from the devs about whether or not the TWF feats applying to animal forms is WAI? My hunch is it's a bug that's gonna get nerfed, but I'm hoping I'm wrong...
I presume you already know this, but if not (or for those that don't), DWS Pos Spellpower is getting nerfed.Ranger Deepwood Stalker 26 points 2d6 Sneak, 75 pos spell power, Killer
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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Sure, just don't want you to be in for a rude shock when the nerf goes live.
The real issue is the TWF feats; I strongly suspect it's a bug that they apply to shapeshifted builds, because who would bother with Natural Fighting anymore if it isn't? If / when that gets fixed / nerfed, your build will be SOL.![]()
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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It looks like you can still get +30 Pos spellpower with a rgr 1 splash for 7 APs; still a huge nerf, but better than eliminating it entirely. And let's face it, 75 Spellpower for 6 APs was ridiculously OP compared to all the other Spellpower enhs, so a nerf was inevitable. At least as a druid, you can pick up some more from Season's Herald, right? It hurts actual rgrs more than rgr splashes, IMHO; a lot of people are unhappy the extra Pos Spellpower is all in higher tiers of DWS, which is still the least popular rgr tree.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
According to one report from this thread offhand doublestrikes are proccing without mainhand doublestrikes. Based on the info I have gathered, I belive the bug is only applying to the tempest capstone. If you have any knowledge or information otherwise, please share. I've tried to get more info about this a number of times but, other than that one report, no one seems to know.
Unarmed monk guide with builds|The Arcane Warrior: wiz/fighter hybrids|White Feather Sniper: CC/dps focused deepwood stalker|The Divine Cuisinart: divine crusader tempest|The Count of Monte Cristo: swashbuckler|Hassan's Assassin: dex assassin|Dubbell O'Seven: WF artificer|Santa's Little Slayer: dragonmarked elf centered kensai
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FYI, Cordovan confirmed what I suspected: TWF feats applying to animal forms is not WAI, unfortunately.File under "This is why we can't have nice things."
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
GREETINGS! Just need to do 3 Druid lives..... Quick TR at 20.
3 fighter/ 3 monk/ 3 Pally/ 3 Rogue/ 3 ranger/ 3 Barb done. So not to worry about to hit/saves/HAMP/or HP.
All +3 tomes, Named handwraps, and GS Khopheses.
VIP for a few more months
This is the only thing must have.... 2 levels of rogue for 97% all traps and locks and doors. So level 1 rogue and usually level 11 when the +3 int tomes kicks in.
Just need a basic build. As you can see from the past lives i have mostly played melee. Willing to try caster Druid for one of the lives.....
hit me with you best shot for fast 1-20 tr, 1-20 tr, 1-20 tr.
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Animal form base attack rate is the One-Handed Rate with a base 30% animation boost. The 1HF rate is basically the TWF rate, but without the off-hand attack. The 30% boost stacks with haste, etc, as it is a base boost. So at 20BAB the 1HF rate is 86.33 vs 94.12 for unarmed.
In part fatal harrier and the modified damage die and crit range are meant to make up for the 9% attack speed difference and extra TWF offhand attacks. Of course fatal harrier has been nerfed.
In a comparison [1] I did prior to the enhancement, the different in attacks for unarmed vs wolf was basically: 245.63 (haste boost/fatal harrier) vs 292.63 (haste/haste boost) for the two drunk metas at the time. With the former having a much higher base damage.
I've got no idea where the meta is at the moment, and I'm waiting until the enhancement settle before I look in depth at anything.
Edit: Using a shield in animal form should also make you uncentered.
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Would it be posible to send me the druid druid build in one page to simplify it for me please ? I want to try it out by using the +20 lesser heart of wood cause i cant figure out how to make the drunk build work with the new enhancements. I /bow to your knowlege of mele and want to try this out.
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the feat list sounds.. awfull??
Resilence? Yeah, more CD on spells!
Mage armor? Really? Pick something for melee pls.
No permahaste? if you cant cast it, you should pick
the TWF line was declared no WAI by a dev, so if it still works, anytime can stop doing.
No empower healing makes you coccon sad.
Wiz Melee ->
Undead Cleric Melee ->
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Spell focus Evocation is not 1 DC its the option to twist in another 5 DC when in content that you need it for Earthquake to put every thing on the ground, rather then just 50% of the mobs. A "Druid Druid" should be able to provide reliable good CC when needed not taking SF: Evocation is leaving too much on the table.
I understand wanting better saves, and the forms are very nice but having a meaningful Earthquake 100% of the time regardless of content difficulty is far better.
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Aww wished i had asked for this as well when i +20LR my monk to this build hehehe i see i made mistakes, thanks for making this build its been very fun, currently level 19 i am a returning player and having a blast. I do have a question you say to use twf for the elemental forms, could you explain how playing in elemental form benefits using this (i have only played with wolf these time) do you still melee while in elemental form? this is what confuses me a bit.
For another question, do you go for tier 5 in storm's herald? is storm of vengance sla, word of balance, crown of summer worth it instead of nature warrior t5? (nature war t5 doesn't look as powerful to me)
Thanks in advance.
IMHO, Storm of Vengeance SLA is the best - and possibly only - reason for going to druid 18, esp. if WIS-based. The 2-min. cooldown sucks, but it can be meta'ed for free. SoV + Earthquake + Ice Storm (w/Mantle of Icy Soul for debuff) + Sleet Storm (blinds them so vulnerable to SAs) mobs; Stunning Fist as often as possible; smack away until dead.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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If wolf-/bear-based, I would take Natural Adept for the spell cooldown reduction; if more caster-focused, I would want Word of Balance SLA plus other caster buffs in SH. But since the only thing you lose by resetting your enhs is plat, it's easy (if costly!) to experiment with AP loadouts.
Elemental form is just "regular humanoid with benefits:" i.e., +100% fort, +1 CL to your element's spells, etc. So anything which benefits melee normally will also work while in fire/water elem form.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
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can you or someone post the enhancements and epic destiny choices please
sorry I didn't see the new posts