Has to be a d100. I always loved that round sphere with numbers all over it!
I would be Primus...
What? There's only one?
Ok. I would be a Secundus.
What? I thought Modrones *are* dice.
They're not?
Fine. D4.
Cause I'm always the first to die.
I would be a d2. Win or lose, simple as that. Not that I have seen a die like that, but maybe someday ;-)
Khyber: Nimrud (main), Tadko (tank), Yayamee (monk), Healingonly (melee FvS), Almeya (trapper), Groggor (barb), Feneya (archer), Zornix (archer) and some others
Hardcore season 1: AveDarkLord (favor leaderboards)
Hardcore season 5: Dont Wanna Die (favor leaderboards)
I would be a d100. I had one, once. Once you started it rolling it was hard to stop. And even harder to read (which face is really on top?). So, hard to control, and not very useful even when used correctly. Sounds just like me.
I would be the d100 that is solely used when a Rod of Wonder is brought up. I will also be weighted to always roll 96-97.
I would be a 100-sided die, of course. Because that's what happens when a 1d6 die quits the gym for the summer and goes to spend a couple of weeks at mom's. Nobody cooks like mom.
icosahedron die what else would one be all the possibilities and yet such a low chance of success
Demons run when a good man goes to war
I'd be a D6. They are loved by all
D12, because I love the word dodecahedron.
because ive never seen someone run araund the the table in exultation on a 4 6 8 12 or 20 but when you roll 100 on a loot table you know that gary was with you
Are you kidding? Asking for a polyhedral die in a D&D game? There can only be one answer: d20
Spellburst, Toikos, Phylantrios (Argo)
I would be a D20 which all faces show 0
Pink colour and a fashion hat as like Malicia
A whip from a random face
and I would be know as Voice of the Mistress
I will be a d0 because it emulates NO DICE. i.e. not depending on luck.
(Error): d0 is not a valid roll.
Voice of the NO DICE.
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility