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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    If you need to understand why such a powerfull item doesn't belong to such a short and limited event then I'm sorry for you.

    Tomes have always been the ultimate goal of every player. They should be avaible in game, stop. And yes, one extra ability point is a lot, specially when we have Epic feats that requires x STR/CON/Whatever.
    um.. Every player eh?

    I think you greatly overspeak.

    Tomes are not a goal for me at all.... and I can assure you that many other players feel the exact same way. I dont need tomes to have fun.

    That being said, I will certainly run more mabar this year than last. Maybe I'll save up for a tome even. we'll have to see how the dragon instances go. Some neg level Augments are more important to me first.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  2. #42
    Community Member NXPlasmid's Avatar
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    Default Is Mabar still a random cluster......

    I pretty much farmed Mabar to death, it was very painful and very random to complete the dragon fights. I stopped playing before last October and don't think I participated in Mabar the year before. Has Turbine done anything to improve the reliability and functionality of this server event baloney? Tspoon

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drwaz99 View Post
    The potential is there for it to make a huge difference, as one build point could allow an additional 2-3-4 build points into another stat since the higher you go in a stat each point costs more. Allowing access to feats that were otherwise unobtainable. I agree it won't be with everyone but the possibility is there.
    Maybe true in theory, but not in practice. Nearly everyone would use such a tome for their character's primary ability score, which they would max out at character creation time anyway. So we are talking about 1 extra point on a stat that's generally well over 50 to begin with.

    This obsession with tomes and stats is much more about bragging rights than gameplay. And if it's that important to you, well, find some time to play during Mabar. Nobody is entitled to anything.

    I do agree with others that if they're going to put juicy rewards in it, though, they need to address some of the consistency issues involved in achieving completions. But the better rewards alone will mean more people running it which should help.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Drwaz99 View Post
    The potential is there for it to make a huge difference, as one build point could allow an additional 2-3-4 build points into another stat since the higher you go in a stat each point costs more. Allowing access to feats that were otherwise unobtainable. I agree it won't be with everyone but the possibility is there.
    Do you mean what I think you do?

    Do you really think it could happen?

    Characters could wind up with an extra point or 2 in UMD?

    The horrors.....
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qaliya View Post
    Maybe true in theory, but not in practice. Nearly everyone would use such a tome for their character's primary ability score, which they would max out at character creation time anyway. So we are talking about 1 extra point on a stat that's generally well over 50 to begin with.
    Do you contradict people just to do it? Because your trying to argue against me when I in essence said the same thing. And your example actually proves my point. For example:

    I can take back a point in DEX and still grab X feat and with the build points I saved throw 3-4 extra ones into CHA so I achieve no-fail UMD. Which is much more powerful than another point in STR when (as you pointed out) I have more than enough to do sufficient damage and I don't have to redo my equipment to be back to an even score now.

    I said the possibility was there. I did not say everyone would use it the way I described (unlike you who magically knows how nearly everyone plays). The people who know how to get the most out of it will do so and will show the most benefit. Then people like you, who kick and scream about things will come back later and moan about how OP it is.

    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    Do you mean what I think you do?

    Do you really think it could happen?

    Characters could wind up with an extra point or 2 in UMD?

    The horrors.....
    Trust me I am not *****ing, and if it came over that way, I apologize. I was simply pointing out it can be much more powerful than just +1 in a main stat. I just think it's stupid to only have them in an event and to use them to drive an event rather than updating the items already offered (which might be even more of a draw).
    Last edited by Drwaz99; 09-13-2013 at 12:52 PM.

  6. #46
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default Looking forward to Mabar........

    ........however; I was hoping to see some sort of Spectral Dragon Armor (heroic or epic or both). I mean, the Spectral Dragon Scales you get after each completion of the quest. Use a similar system just like all other dragon armors in game. I think that would of been a really cool event item that would not only keep people involved with the event, but also be a fun new set of armor that many could enjoy.

    As far as the +5 / +6 Tomes go, 1 per character is not bad. There are some negatives and positives to this being available, but at this point, with everything else that has been released in game, I do not see this as game breaking in anyway.

    I personally look forward to the Mabar Event every year. A nice break from other stuff.

    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  7. #47
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    this will get alot more players into the event

    getting +5/+6 from tomes from a public event will open up options for the general population instead of just the EE crowd and those with cash flow

    since the hardest quests in the game are currently being completed daily by players,a few extra build points wont radically change anything

    except allow the masses access to what only a few now that the real issue here?

    a revitalized mabar event is exciting

  8. #48
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    The worst part about Mabar is that it takes hours for the dragon to become available, eats your key (which you do not get back even if you fail), and then plops you in a random instance with a bunch of other players you don't know and CANNOT COMMUNICATE WITH through any means other than the stupid general chat. Oh, and the dragon instances are always unbearably laggy. It makes completing it far more difficult than it should be.

    What would be so much better is if each instance was just that-- INSTANCED. You could form a raid group and, when the dragon opened, you could enter it with just that raid group. It would make the event as a whole significantly less frustrating and more fun. Less lag (theoretically), and a lot more cooperation. And you could actually do it with all your friends, rather than hoping that you get put in the same instance with a few of them and that there are enough of you to keep the noobs from causing it to wipe.

  9. #49
    Hero Silken-Akira's Avatar
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    I just like an event now and then. that is the biggest part.
    and sure there should be some awarding things there to work up too (even if you don't get what you want in the same year)
    So whatever draws a bit extra folk for whatever reason. I don't care that much.
    I would like to see some extra special events like this actually, don't even have to be that big and set on a certain time.

  10. #50
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    Some of the Augments look cool.

    Wouldn't the tomes have been better as 1 + 5 and 1 + 4 tome per toon? +5 being the same cost as proposed and + 4 being one cheaper?

    This event shouldn't have to be a must run, but should still be enticing enough for many to run, +4 and +5s would have been good enough IMO, after all the majority of 'uber' players also have alts that need toming too.

    I understand the sentiment of many that +6s just seem a little too 'nice' for an event such as this, which is on only for a limited time, to me it looks like another of those 'what is Turbine thinking?' moments.

    Tome drops appear nerfed on live, by nerfed I mean not dropping at the appropriate levels and then they plan on releasing something like this? Something weird is going on.
    It's quite possible Turbine is releasing this as a means to pull old/retired players back to the game. Now getting these sort of players back into the game is a good thing, but is a limited time event really the way to go about doing this?
    Smallmans Syndrome, Rovac, Dragnipur, Prettyhater Machine, Lubed, Castinfist
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  11. #51
    Community Member lugoman's Avatar
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    Surely this is in response to the last Crystal Cove being sparsely attended. You need to offer new, better loot to entice people who have everything from Mabar. You can lower the number of turn ins to start both CC and Mabar, but you can do the CC quest with a few people. Mabar needs a lot more to do the raid.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qaliya View Post
    Why not? One extra ability point is a game-changer in a game where people routinely get their ability scores over 50?
    It can be. Epic toughness requires Con 21. With +3 tome that means starting stat of 18. With +6 tome it's 15. Big difference. Combat Archery / Improved Sneak Attack same 21, so with +3 tome you have to start at 18, with +6 15 is enough. Another huge difference. Overwhelming Critical needs Str of 23, that's pretty much impossible to reach on a dex build without a big str tome.

    Or even something as simple as strength based dual weapon attacker. Greater two weapon fighting needs dex 17, which needs 14 starting dex with a +3 tome, but only 12 with a +5.

    The actual effect of +1 more stats from tomes in the end stats is pretty minimal, but the combined effect of the requirements makes tomes a Big Deal for many builds.

  13. #53
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qaliya View Post
    Maybe true in theory, but not in practice. Nearly everyone would use such a tome for their character's primary ability score, which they would max out at character creation time anyway. So we are talking about 1 extra point on a stat that's generally well over 50 to begin with.

    This obsession with tomes and stats is much more about bragging rights than gameplay. And if it's that important to you, well, find some time to play during Mabar. Nobody is entitled to anything.

    I do agree with others that if they're going to put juicy rewards in it, though, they need to address some of the consistency issues involved in achieving completions. But the better rewards alone will mean more people running it which should help.

    Heres the bottom line: We have an entire expansion with new high level quests, and they don't provide us the +6 tomes that a dumb limited time event does. That extra point would provide people an incentive to run this EE SH/Wheloon stuff an extra time, much like how people farmed EE high road/EE GH to get their +5's.

    Simple really

  14. #54
    Community Member Cetus's Avatar
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    Btw..I noticed that they are ML 1

    Does that mean that the stat of my choice will receive a +6 upgrade at level 1?

  15. #55
    Community Member Saravis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post
    Btw..I noticed that they are ML 1

    Does that mean that the stat of my choice will receive a +6 upgrade at level 1?
    It probably just means that you can pick what tome you want at any level, like the birthday cake, but the tome you get is still level restricted.
    If they actually allowed you to have a +6 tome at level 1, I would laugh.

  16. #56
    Hero Scuddy's Avatar
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    Default Looking a gift horse in the mouth

    I tear Turbine up all the time for stupid things they do and the broken content. Even in the past on Mabar. But I don't get how you can complain about this. Everyone cries play to win but here Turbine is giving you a +6 tome before they are even selling them in the P2Win store and yet people want to complain. Some of you sound like a spoiled rotten Kardashian kid on Christmas morning.. bah we wanted a red Lamborghini Veneno and not a black one... By all means if you don't want a free tome don't take one but complaining about it is just silly. I mean it's not even a grind really from what it looks like you just simply kill one dragon a day and move on to other things. Like I said I toss plenty of stones but this time I'm actually impressed with them for adding new life into an event and a reward that most people can appreciate and will be happy with. Unlike lots of the Mabar rewards a tome can be used on any class/build so seriously this is what makes you makes you rmad?

  17. #57
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scuddy View Post
    I tear Turbine up all the time for stupid things they do and the broken content. Even in the past on Mabar. But I don't get how you can complain about this. Everyone cries play to win but here Turbine is giving you a +6 tome before they are even selling them in the P2Win store and yet people want to complain. Some of you sound like a spoiled rotten Kardashian kid on Christmas morning.. bah we wanted a red Lamborghini Veneno and not a black one... By all means if you don't want a free tome don't take one but complaining about it is just silly. I mean it's not even a grind really from what it looks like you just simply kill one dragon a day and move on to other things. Like I said I toss plenty of stones but this time I'm actually impressed with them for adding new life into an event and a reward that most people can appreciate and will be happy with. Unlike lots of the Mabar rewards a tome can be used on any class/build so seriously this is what makes you makes you rmad?
    Cetussssssssssssssssssssss answered for you:

    Quote Originally Posted by Cetus View Post

    Heres the bottom line: We have an entire expansion with new high level quests, and they don't provide us the +6 tomes that a dumb limited time event does. That extra point would provide people an incentive to run this EE SH/Wheloon stuff an extra time, much like how people farmed EE high road/EE GH to get their +5's.

    Simple really
    By the way, you (Scuddy) are not making any sense either. They always gave us tomes before selling them in the store, your argument is invalid.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  18. #58
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    first of let me just say MABAR MABAR MABAR yes im a fan.....

    now lets get down to it, the +5/6 tomes are a great way to get people
    playing the event. i couldnt of done better myself well done devs

    as for the dragon bit it needs to be random sry guys, if it wasnt then
    the raid part would only be run in groups of friends, guilds, channels etc etc.
    this is not opening it to all players. me being one of them.

    heres hoping the event runs smoothly and everyone has a good time getting
    the items they want.

    your friend sil

  19. #59
    Hero Scuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post

    By the way, you (Scuddy) are not making any sense either. They always gave us tomes before selling them in the store, your argument is invalid.
    They have never been this easy to attain. This is a guaranteed tome for very little grinding/work. The tomes you speak of previously were a ridiculously low drop chance in raids that you had to run a bazillion times. Apples & Oranges.

  20. #60
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scuddy View Post
    They have never been this easy to attain. This is a guaranteed tome for very little grinding/work. The tomes you speak of previously were a ridiculously low drop chance in raids that you had to run a bazillion times. Apples & Oranges.
    Exactly, you are making our point. Such a powerful item guaranteed for very little grinding/work and in a short limited event that not everyone likes.

    This is the exact reason why these shouldn't be here.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

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