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  1. #1
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Default Mabar rewards: +5/+6 Ability tomes and a few new rubies.

    To get these, you need a Signet of the Endless Night. They are awarded the first time you kill the Spectral Dragon each day.

    Few notes:

    - Please tell me the +6 tomes are not real. Or that they are avaible somewhere else. Otherwise this should go AWAY. Such a "powerfull" item cannot be made only avaible temporarily in the game.

    - Don't use this stupid mechanic of Neverwinter of "Daily Quests". I want to get the items whenever I want. I want to spend a whole day farming mabar and getting done with it ASAP. I don't want to do it everyday. Double the cost if you really want but don't start with these Daily things.

    - Rubies are ML1. Really nice.

    - Festival Solar: I don't know if this always existed but anyway, the fact that a different "Festival bonus" AKA Risia games will overwrite this is just..silly. It's 1d4 light damage. Make them stackable.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  2. 09-12-2013, 06:22 PM

  3. #2
    Community Member Candela90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djl View Post
    Wow, this is SO dumb.

    +6 tomes for a temporary event? Requiring you to do Mabar EACH flipping day to get any of these new items?

    Who comes up with these asinine ideas? They need to be relieved of their position, immediately.

    Unless Mabar runs from Oct 1 to Oct 31, this is one of the worst ideas I've seen yet. Many people do not have the opportunity to run an event for several days during the two or so weeks that it is active, and the time it takes the Dragon to spawn is especially prohibitive for that. Even Cove takes too long to open, and Mabar takes much longer than that.

    I'm halfway hoping they put these Mabar Signets in the DDO store, just so that I can buy several at one time and say to hell with this laggy, frustrating event. I don't care how much they cost. I mean, why not? The game is already almost completely pay-to-win anyway now.

    Cool... So considering I did a TR and wont be able to get to 28 before its on ill loose +6 tomes... yay... lets be honest. on lvl 1-20 its hard to kill dragons when there are 2 ppl inside instance :/

  4. #3
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayla93 View Post
    Cool... So considering I did a TR and wont be able to get to 28 before its on ill loose +6 tomes... yay... lets be honest. on lvl 1-20 its hard to kill dragons when there are 2 ppl inside instance :/
    I didn't even consider THIS problem, but yes, this is yet another thing wrong with making +6 tomes available from a temporary event.

  5. #4
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    I never intend to run Mabar. Please remove the +5/6 tomes. Put them in the level 31 loot tables instead.

  6. #5
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Whats the big deal +5 can be bought in the store, one per character limit and one signet per day pretty much guarantees you wont get more than a couple of these, and probably only on characters that need the tome for something that wasn't possible before (like hitting 23 STR for overwelming crit feat, on a toon that it not strength based or some such). It's hilarious listening to this player base pine for whatever Turbine DOESN'T DO.

    If they make the loot too powerful then they obsoleted old loot
    If they make the loot too weak, then there's no reason to buy the expansion pack
    If they put tomes in as a rare drop, then they are forcing you to grind
    If they put the tomes in the store, then it's P2W
    If they put the tomes in an event, then it's a ZOMG LIMITED TIME.
    If they plopped the **** thing in your inventory for free, it would be ZOMG INVENTORY SPACE!

  7. #6
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    I gave Mabar a miss last time.

    This time I will certainly be grinding out... what... 4 for the +6, is it 3 or 2 for the +5, probably another 3 or 4 1d4 light enchants since I'd put it above Icy Festival things just due to immunities, and then another 4 or 8 for the level drain augment = i.e. 13 - 19 signets worth.

    Urg. I might even get a ghostbane ruby for Delera's/Shadow Tombs; not that I have a weapon to put it in.

    TL;DR This loot means I will probably do a dragon every night Mabar is on as opposed to skipping the festival entirely like last year. So good job I think.

    I'm also very hopeful that +6 Tomes are available elsewhere.

    Ideally, as a chance drop for a True Elite saga completion that includes Through a Mirror Darkly and/or What Goes Up. Voila, an end game!

    EDIT: On that, put some other named stuff in the various sagas of as low % drops. Have different sagas and different difficulties give different versions.
    Last edited by Deathdefy; 09-12-2013 at 08:33 PM.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

  8. #7
    Community Member IronClan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maddong View Post
    I never intend to run Mabar.
    Good for you, then your problem is solved, +6 tomes don't exist for you. Now about that "I don't want other people to get stuff I don't want" thing you have going on... I can't help with that.

  9. #8
    Community Member FestusHood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kayla93 View Post
    Cool... So considering I did a TR and wont be able to get to 28 before its on ill loose +6 tomes... yay... lets be honest. on lvl 1-20 its hard to kill dragons when there are 2 ppl inside instance :/
    Last Mabar i didn't have many problems running the dragon on all levels, except for level 4. I'm sure with some of the new rewards, especially the tomes it will be absolutely full this year.

  10. #9
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Handing out +6 tomes for being lucky enough to be put in an instance with 16-30 players? And people that can't log on during US peak likely miss out?


    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Handing out +6 tomes for being lucky enough to be put in an instance with 16-30 players? And people that can't log on during US peak likely miss out?


    I don't see why you even care anyway. Aren't you busy playing EVE instead of DDO?


  12. #11
    The Hatchery
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    Spiderhat, Spiderhat,
    Does whatever a spider hat.... does

    yeah I want one

  13. #12
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    I think daily bonus per character is pretty cool. It may actually keep enough people interested inMabar so that people can run it and have a chance at success. Last year, after the first couple days, it was pretty desolate and I got stuckin more than one failed instance.
    °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸A R C H A N G E L S °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸,ø¤°º¤ø,¸ ¸,ø¤º°`°º¤ø,¸

    Alandael ~ Allendale ~ iForged ~ Roba ~ Sylon ~ Pokah ~ Keyanu ~ Wreckoning
    Quote Originally Posted by Severlin View Post
    We don't envision starting players with Starter Gear and zero knowledge playing on Hard or Elite.

  14. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Impaqt View Post
    I think daily bonus per character is pretty cool. It may actually keep enough people interested inMabar so that people can run it and have a chance at success. Last year, after the first couple days, it was pretty desolate and I got stuckin more than one failed instance.
    It wasn't only last year and it wasn't only Mabar. After the first few days of both Mabar and Cove, the number of people running the stuff drops dramatically.

    I think adding these new items that require the new ingredient (even without the tomes) could be enough to retain players for the duration of the event. The tomes pretty much ensure that there will be player retention throughout the even though.

    But as someone pointed out earlier, if you dont have an epic character, grouping to fight the Mabar character will be tough. Like the heroic at level raids, last year Mabar got hit with the spread out grouping of levels that favored Epic characters over the heroics.

  15. #14
    Community Member djl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Handing out +6 tomes for being lucky enough to be put in an instance with 16-30 players? And people that can't log on during US peak likely miss out?


    THIS is why I object to it. You are put in a random instance, with random players, and you can't communicate other than in general chat. Add the +6 tomes to EE Stormhorn and Wheloon loot tables.

  16. 09-12-2013, 10:59 PM

  17. 09-12-2013, 11:54 PM

  18. #15
    Ultimate Completionist
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    A +6 tome for a single completion of raid.
    Mark your calenders.

    Log onto Khyber folks, we can do it....

  19. #16
    Community Member Wizza's Avatar
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    Just to be clear: I think you can get MAX ONE +6 tome and MAX ONE +5 tome per character.

    As per Release Notes:
    • You can trade Signets of the Endless Night for items at the Signet Trader in House Jorasco (right outside the entrance to Delera’s Graveyard):
    • One +6 tome per character
    • One +5 tome per character

    Btw, as someone pointed out, with this system, the event should be up for a whole month. Right now, I'm looking at:

    ONE +6 tome, 4 days
    ONE +5 tome, 4/3 days
    TWO Neg level rubies, 4 days
    TWO Vampire slayer, 4 days
    16 days worth of items FOR ONE CHARACTER.

    This is dumb. At least make the tomes BtA so I can farm them on my capped toon. And get away with this 1/day mechanic ****.
    Last edited by Wizza; 09-13-2013 at 03:46 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JOTMON View Post
    I don't think you get a choice.. you are Rys's minion..

  20. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wizza View Post
    Just to be clear: I think you can get MAX ONE +6 tome and MAX ONE +5 tome per character.

    As per Release Notes:
    • You can trade Signets of the Endless Night for items at the Signet Trader in House Jorasco (right outside the entrance to Delera’s Graveyard):
    • One +6 tome per character
    • One +5 tome per character

    Btw, as someone pointed out, with this system, the event should be all for a whole month. Right now, I'm looking at:

    ONE +6 tome, 4 days
    ONE +5 tome, 4/3 days
    TWO Neg level rubies, 4 days
    TWO Vampire slayer, 4 days
    16 days worth of items FOR ONE CHARACTER.

    This is dumb. At least make the tomes BtA so I can farm them on my capped toon. And get away with this 1/day mechanic ****.
    I figured that all of four of those things could be achieved during the full duration of Mabar, even if there are a few failed Mabar dragons.

    But I do have a few questions about the Signet of the Endless Night.
    1) Is the Signet of the Endless Night BTA or BTC? Hopefully BTA.
    2) After getting Signet of the Endless Night, can we switch characters and get it on another character? Again, hopefully the answer is yes.

    If the Signet of the Endless Night is BTA and can be farmed by switching characters throughout the day, getting these items shouldn't take the full duration of the Mabar event. Sure, if you have more than three characters, you won't be able to gear out every one of them, but you should be able to get all or most of these new items for at least one or two characters. If you can stomach the runs and the event does fizzle quickly.

  21. #18
    Community Member Oxarhamar's Avatar
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    looks like a combo of ghostbane+vampire slayer on a lowbie item with 2 slots would make for nice undead beater

    +1-6 bane vs. undead w/ ghost touch
    +1-4 light damage w/ silver

    I'm thinking Star of Irian ML8 1.50 [1d8] +4 Pierce, Bludgeon+4 Enhancement Bonus+4 Enhancement Bonus: This weapon has been magically enhanced and gains a +4 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls.
    Red Augment Slot
    Orange Augment Slot

    but I agree this event has always been the worst with its random instance mechanic and no XP for farming the ingredients hope they added XP to this thing or at least let the mobs go into monster manual

  22. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by djl View Post
    THIS is why I object to it. You are put in a random instance, with random players, and you can't communicate other than in general chat. Add the +6 tomes to EE Stormhorn and Wheloon loot tables.
    So... you want even less of a chance of getting a +6/+5 tome, but have the 0.01% chance all year long? vs a short duration when you have... probably better than 50% chance of getting one?

    I mean if you've got real life conflicting with Mabar, hey I don't blame you. But beyond that... huh? *shrugs* suit yourself, I'm not going to try to convince you other wise.

    But I'm curuios what these hats look like. And the neg level gem emm.. tasty.

  23. #20
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    When there's no good loot in an event everyone complains that there's no incentive to run it.

    So they put good loot into the event -- and everyone complains that they're being "forced" to run an event they hate because it's got good loot in it.

    This is the sort of stuff that causes the devs to just decide to ignore ALL complaints about loot and events.

    You have a choice: run the content and get the rewards, or don't. This isn't complicated.

    Personally I think these changes look great. I only regret that I'll be a rogue when Mabar rolls around. Should have TRed into druid instead or something.

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