Hello Dexterity!
-> Good bye Strength, I never really loved you anyway.
Hello Dexterity!
-> Good bye Strength, I never really loved you anyway.
DEX builds are certainly better now but there are more ways to buff up STR than there is for DEX unfortunately. Things like Ram's Might, Primal Scream, Gloves Of Titan's Grip etc all boost STR (and stack) but there isn't the same for DEX at this point in time. However, having said all of this my own Rogue is going to be going INT/DEX based with Weapon Finessethough she will be a Assassin rather than Acrobat.
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It does need 23 STR, which means even with a +5 tome you need a base 18 STR to qualify.
If you are taking it from the perspective of your attacks simply being a vehicle to deliver sneak attack damage, then it is a much smaller issue. But between the very significant difference in critical multiplier, and the potential for boosting STR more than it is possible to increase DEX, the amount of damage being put out by a STR acrobat will still be higher than the damage put out by a DEX acrobat. It all comes down to how important the damage loss is verses the DEX advantages, such as reflex saves. And at least now it is in the realm of viability, even if not quite optimal.
This is still my fav low level DEX dam item. I have one on low level sorc and monk builds. I don't have the Epic version, yet, but close, hopefully by the time I need it.