LOL OOPS 8 Fighter 6 ranger 6 Monk :P .... Cant seem to fix the thread title :P
After leveling my fighter to cap with the new enhancements I found a few ways to improve upon the Abomination build that I posted a few weeks ago. I have obtained a +5 supreme tome and massaged the feats to be a little more optimal. The +5 tome is not necessary for the build. It operates just fine on +3 tomes. However with +3 tomes you will need to put 2 level ups into dex to qualify for combat archery. It was amazing how much better my fury shot was once I squoze in Point Blank Shot and Combat Archery. Eventually I might try to slot in Improved Precise Shot but I feel that with my playstyle that is less important. The bow generally comes out for big red named sacks of HP. Hammers are for trash.
So here I present
Deijora. The Dwarven Abomination.
8 Fighter/ 6 Ranger/ 6 Monk
Str 16 + 5 Tome + 7 Levels + 2 Kensai + 5 Fury of the Wild +8 Item, +2 Ship +2 Yugo + 5 Scream + 3 Insight + I Exceptional +2 Rams Might = 58 Str (61 in Fire Stance)
Dex 16 + 5 Tome +7 Item = 28
Con 16 + 5 Tome + 1 Dwarf + 9 Item + 3 Insight + 2 Ship + 5 Scream = 41 (44 in Earth Stance )
Int 11
Wis 10 + 5 Tome + 8 Item + 2 Ship = 25
Cha 11 + 5 Tome +8 Item +2 Ship = 26
Cannith crafted blindness ward goggles of true seeing with Colorless and Yellow Slots
Slotted Dexterity +7
Helm Of the Black Dragon (+3 Con) EH
Slotted Good Luck +2
Necklace Deadly 8 Resist 8 (Need to upgrade to Deadly 10 Resist 10)
Planar Focus of Prowess (+3 Str)
Epic Black Dragon Robe
Slotted Heavy Fortification
Epic Cloak of Night (Lev 20) When Mabar comes around I need to upgrade this.
Convalescent Bracers of parrying (20% Amp, +4 saves)
Smoke 2 Greensteel Belt. (+45 hp, Perma Blur, Displace Clickies)
Sages Ring (92 Potency, 8 Cha , 8 Wis)
Slotted Power 200
Guardians Ring
Health 9 Boots of Dodge 10% (Swap for Kundarak Delving Boots when fighting casters)
Epic Gloves of the Claw (30% Amp)
Mornh Hammer of the Mountains
Drow Warhammer of the Weapon Master (Combat Mastery 5)
Bow of Sinew(Aligned so with the correct metal arrow it bypasses DR)
Other Highlights
977 Hp in Earth Stance
81 PRR in Earth Stance (39 in Fire) (For 81 I have Twisted in Standing in Stone from GmoF)
28% Dodge
100% Offhand Attacks (80 GTWF +10 Shintao +10 Tempest)
Completely unbuffed are
46 Fort
45 Reflex
33 Will
In earth stance reflex drops to 44. If I get a +10 resist Item goes to 46 + GH + Boat = 51
or 53 in wind stance. I could also slot 2 insightful dex for 1 more.
Stunning Blow DC:
10 Base
24 Strength Mod (25 in Fire)
3 Dwarf
3 Kensai
10 Mornh
5 Drow Hammer
6 Legendary Tactics
2 Tactician Feat
3 Fighter Past life x3
= 66 Stunning Blow DC
+3 Improved Sunder (even if improved sunder fails it drops the mobs fort save by 3)
= 69 Stunning Blow DC (70 in Fire Stance)
And yes that is enough to work in EE content. It might not land 100% of the time on giants in “What Goes Up” but you will get the casters and the assassins. It also was working very well for me in EE TOR.
30% Claw
20% Bracers
15% Shintao
Play Style:
Personally I play in Fury of the Wild and Earth Stance. I stun everything I can and beat them with my Hammers. I also use trip whenever it is off timer. It lands surprisingly well. Adrenaline I save for when I have the Bow out running Manyshot. When there is a nasty sack of hitpoints to kill then I activate Fury Shot.
If you play in Dreadnaught you will have higher DPS but lots less Burst DPS.
I have enough Amp and Devotion (Potency on Sage Ring) That cocoon hits me for 80-100 per tick. Between Cocoon , SF Pots and Dodge, Displacement and ShadowVeil I have lots of survivability(dead = 0 DPS). (I have even been known to cocoon on party members to keep them up too) the 81 PRR soaks up 36.2% Incoming damage as well.
Eventually I plan to slot devotion onto Mornh for slightly better healing. I also need to slot the skill Heal into a colorless slot somewhere.
Barbarian (1), Fighter (3)
Race Selected: Female Dwarf
Alignment Selected: Lawful Good
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 16, DEX: 16, CON: 16, INT: 11, WIS: 10, CHA: 11
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +1 (1), Concentration +4 (4), Heal +1 (1), Spot +4 (4), Tumble +1 (1), UMD +2 (2)
Feats Selected: Power Attack, Point Blank Shot
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 1 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +2 (2)
Feats Selected: Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
Class Selected: Ranger (Fighter 1 / Monk 1 / Ranger 1)
(Applied Past Life Tome Bonuses)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (6), Heal +3 (4), UMD +1 (3)
Feats Selected: Improved Sunder, Favored Enemy (Undead)
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 2 / Fighter 1 / Ranger 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 18
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (7), Spot +3 (7), UMD +0.5 (3.5)
Feats Selected: Dodge
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 2 / Monk 2 / Ranger 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +3 (5)
Feats Selected: Cleave
Class Selected: Ranger (Fighter 2 / Monk 2 / Ranger 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (9), Heal +3 (7), UMD +1 (4.5)
Feats Selected: Stunning Blow
Class Selected: Ranger (Ranger 3 / Fighter 2 / Monk 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (10), Heal +3 (10), Intimidate +1 (6), UMD +0.5 (5)
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 3 / Ranger 3 / Monk 2)
Abilities Raised: STR: 20
Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +3 (9)
Class Selected: Ranger (Ranger 4 / Fighter 3 / Monk 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (12), Heal +2 (12), Spot +1 (8), UMD +1 (6)
Feats Selected: Improved Critical (Bludgeoning)
Class Selected: Monk (Ranger 4 / Fighter 3 / Monk 3)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (13), Spot +4 (12)
Feats Selected: Path of Harmonious Balance
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 4 / Ranger 4 / Fighter 3)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (14), Jump +1 (1), Spot +2 (14), UMD +1 (7)
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 4 / Monk 4 / Ranger 4)
Abilities Raised: STR: 22
Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +4 (13)
Feats Selected: Great Cleave, Weapon Specialization (Bludgeoning)
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 5 / Fighter 4 / Ranger 4)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +2 (16), Spot +2 (16), UMD +1 (8)
Class Selected: Ranger (Monk 5 / Ranger 5 / Fighter 4)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (17), Heal +5 (17), Spot +1 (17), UMD +0.5 (8.5)
Feats Selected: Favored Enemy (Giant)
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 6 / Ranger 5 / Fighter 4)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (18), Intimidate +2 (15), Spot +1 (18)
Feats Selected: Master of Forms, Deflect Arrows
Class Selected: Ranger (Monk 6 / Ranger 6 / Fighter 4)
Abilities Raised: STR: 23
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (19), Heal +2 (19), Intimidate +1 (16), Spot +1 (19), UMD +1 (9.5)
Class Selected: Fighter (Monk 6 / Ranger 6 / Fighter 5)
Skills Ranks Raised: Intimidate +4 (20)
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 6 / Monk 6 / Ranger 6)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +0.5 (19.5), Intimidate +1 (21), UMD +1 (10.5)
Feats Selected: Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Zen Archery
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 7 / Monk 6 / Ranger 6)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +0.5 (20), Heal +0.5 (19.5), Intimidate +1 (22), UMD +0.5 (11)
Class Selected: Fighter (Fighter 8 / Monk 6 / Ranger 6)
Abilities Raised: STR: 24
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (21), Heal +0.5 (20), Intimidate +1 (23)
Feats Selected: Greater Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
Feats Selected: Overwhelming Critical
Abilities Raised: STR: 25
Feats Selected: Combat Archery
Feats Selected: Tactician
Feats Selected: Haste
Abilities Raised: STR: 26
Feats Selected: perfect TWF
This Build was made using the excellent online character planner at
3x Tactics
2x Toughness
1x Con
1x Pick and hammer Training
2x Strength
3x Haste Boost
3x Tactics
Kensai Focus (Pick and Hammer)
4x Pick and Hammer Specialization
1x Weapon Meditation
1x Shatter Strike
Deadly Strike
Keen edge
One With the Blade
3x Dodge
Whirling Steel
3x Improved Reactions
1x Whirling Blades
3x Deft Strikes
3x Iron Skin
1st 3 Core abilities (15% amp and 30 Positive Spell Power )
1st 3 Core (3rd is Shadow Veil)
1x Sneak Attack Training
3x Acrobatic
3x Agility
1st Core Only
Arcane Archer
1st Core
Conjure Arrows
Admittedly I could drop the AA and Deepwood enhancements to pick up more DPS but conjured arrows are a huge convenience and the 1st deepwood core is 1d6 sneak attack. Plus I wanted to be able to say that my toon is a Dwarven Kensai Tempest Shintao Ninja Arcane Sniper.
Legendary Tactics
Standing in Stone
Rejuvenation Cocoon
Standing in Stone is my Swap Slot. If I need unearthly reactions or energy sheath or brace for impact, it goes in this slot.
If you decide to make your own Abomination I hope you enjoy playing it as much as I enjoy playing mine.