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  1. #1
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Dec 2010

    Default What kinds of items sell on the Astral Shard Auction House?

    I have been trying to make a few astral shards by putting things up on the Astral Shard Auction House, but so far have had no success whatsoever. I have tried a variety of things: low level weapons, high level weapons (including Epic weapons) augments, large ingredients from Shroud (including large devils scales), gear with really nice augment slots, undead soul gems. Not a bite. When I examine the items posted by others, almost none of them seem to have any bids, since the current bid looks very suspiciously like what the poster would have set for a starting bid. What exactly does sell? I would be far more willing to spend astral shards in game if there was a reliable way to obtain them, other than buying them with TP's.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  2. #2
    Community Member redspecter23's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    I have been trying to make a few astral shards by putting things up on the Astral Shard Auction House, but so far have had no success whatsoever. I have tried a variety of things: low level weapons, high level weapons (including Epic weapons) augments, large ingredients from Shroud (including large devils scales), gear with really nice augment slots, undead soul gems. Not a bite. When I examine the items posted by others, almost none of them seem to have any bids, since the current bid looks very suspiciously like what the poster would have set for a starting bid. What exactly does sell? I would be far more willing to spend astral shards in game if there was a reliable way to obtain them, other than buying them with TP's.
    I've found that unless it's a named item or ultra rare, you won't be getting more than about 10 shards for it. This is just my general rule for posting after much trial and error. Examples of a few things that I've sold lately. Prices listed are the actual sale price. My cut was appropriately lower.

    EN Nether Grasps - 10 shards
    EN Treads of Falling Shadow - 9 shards
    various EN Stormhorns items - 4 - 12 shards
    2 Major SP elixirs - 4 shards for the pair (probably got lucky on this one. I'd guess the value to be slightly lower typically)
    +10 Necro focus 5 scepter with necro spellpower - 200 shards (this took a few listings to sell)
    various twink weapons - 4 shards max
    EH Jeweled Cloak - 30 - 50 shards (all sold before the update so values may be lower now)

    Really, unless it's an EE item that people actually want, you won't be making a big sale in the hundreds of shards. You might get lucky every once in a while, but it would not be typical.
    Kaarloe - Degenerate Matter - Argonnessen

  3. #3
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by redspecter23 View Post
    Really, unless it's an EE item that people actually want, you won't be making a big sale in the hundreds of shards. You might get lucky every once in a while, but it would not be typical.
    Thanks. I am not really looking to make big sales. Ten astral shards at a pop would be just fine. Or 5 or even 3. I just want to make a few to fund the few times I might need to use shards instead of plat, such as purchasing level 4 or 8 augment crystals from the collectable traders. So, suggestions for anything at all that will sell, even at low prices, would be much appreciated.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  4. #4
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    In case anyone else had the same question that I had about what to sell on the Astral Shard Auction House, I did finally manage to sell a stack of 5 major mnenomic pots for 10 shards. So, 10 - 1 for the post -3 for the fee and I am 6 shards to the good. This is exactly the kind of small scale sales I am looking for to fund occasional purchases of augments from the collectors. I will keep trying and see what else might be marketable.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonulino View Post
    In case anyone else had the same question that I had about what to sell on the Astral Shard Auction House, I did finally manage to sell a stack of 5 major mnenomic pots for 10 shards. So, 10 - 1 for the post -3 for the fee and I am 6 shards to the good. This is exactly the kind of small scale sales I am looking for to fund occasional purchases of augments from the collectors. I will keep trying and see what else might be marketable.
    Just keep in mind that 1 AS is about 6k Platin, now reduce the AS Price by 20-50% and you will sell almost anything.
    Only thing is some stuff will take time to sell even at -50% because player base is down and most have given up checking the ASAH for anything other then the 1 or 2 Items they frantically search for.
    Taenebrae, Daemonsoul, Daemoneyes and Daemonheart of Argonessen
    Glitzakram - Trade Thread

  6. #6
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    I made quite a lot of AS on the ASAH in the couple of months leading up to U19.

    Since then? Nothing. The loot changes in U19 have done considerable damage to the item marketplace.

  7. #7
    Community Member Daine's Avatar
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    Unless it is truly exceptional gear I just throw it up on the ASAH for 2-3AS, when it doesn't sell I put it on the normal AH, when it doesn't sell there I decon it. I stopped caring what what sells and what doesn't, when you're talking what many would consider vendor trash it's too random to determine. I can say some of my junk loot sells, not much, but it does go.

    So what sells on the ASAH? Almost anything over time so long as you price it low enough. To me a couple of Astral Shards are worth more than the 5,000 plat I might otherwise get and my AH methods are quick painless and require almost no thought, yet my plat, shards and crafting skill grow nonetheless.

  8. #8
    Community Member Deathdefy's Avatar
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    The various EH (and assumedly EE) dragon helms from Tor sell well if they're a good stat.
    Khyber: Aggrim (Completionist!)
    In Von 3 the breakables in the Troll Ambassador optional room are slow to get to and unnecessary for ransack.
    Blind insta-kills floating eye balls.

  9. #9
    Community Member Ykt's Avatar
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    I've sold FRDS for 150-250 AS and maybe 1 or 2 other items (don't remember).

    Gotta pick a good day when there are none (or only largely overpriced ones) in the ASAH.

    Without spending much of my earnings (spent less than 200 AS since their introduction), I have 750 AS. Barely enough to buy 1 good item.

  10. #10
    The Hatchery Bonulino's Avatar
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    I have now managed to successfully sell a Large Devil Scales on the ASAH. Again, I got 10 AS for it and it sold quickly. There were other LDS's up for sale, but they had starting bids something like 50 AS and buyouts something like 75-100 AS, So, I guess part of it is finding the right combination of sufficiently rare and desired item along with a reasonable price. I don't need large amounts of AS, so making them 5 or 6 at a time is just what I need. I have quite a stash of large Shroud ingredients, so I will experiment with them.
    Snarly Dwarf Chick With A Great Axe

  11. #11
    Community Member brian14's Avatar
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    I sold 2 or 3 things on ASAH, but the only one I remember is a stack of 30-odd Thelanis Cakes left over from last Festivult. And it took several attempts before someone took them.
    "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

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  12. #12
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    ive made a little over 5k(as of this post on the asah) lots of those are were min bid 3-4 buy it nows..anything that helps in heroic lvls can sell, low pricing helps alot

    you cant really use a shard=plat conversion ratio because many players who use the asah are plat poor but shard rich

    also many asah users dont have the time/inclination to grind so things that require grind sell well

    ive never listed an eh or ee item ....

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