It is a fact that tanks are not needed or efficient in the current content. This character is built with the raid coming next year in mind. The hope is that next year will have more tank friendly content. Here is to also hoping that features of this character will not be nerfed because the tank is the character I have remade the most in my time of playing compared to any other character type. Turbine has constantly changed the best tank builds repeatedly throughout DDO's history forcing players to change and alter their tanks many times. Sorry for the confusion, but actually this character will have to be an 8 ranger 6 paladin 6 monk in order to fit the below feats in.
This character dual wields shortswords (celestia)and is in earth stance and sacred stance at all times. It has superior saves, 100 intimidate + high hate + intolerant blow, over 1k hit points, 140 prr, 32% dodge, cocoon and endless lay on hands for self healing with high positive spell power and healing amp. Suggestions are welcome.
8 ranger 6 monk 6 paladin
18 str = 6 str +8 str + 4 tome
43 dex = 18 dex (10) + 7 levels ups +4 tome + 10 item +3 insight dex +1 racial enhancement +2 ship -2 mountain
44 con = 17 con (13) +4 (tome) + 10 (item) +3 (insight) +4 (Mountain stance) +2 ship +3 destiny +1 exceptional
15 int = 10 int (2) +4 tome
30 wis = 13 wis (6) + 4 tome + 10 wisdom + 1 exceptional +2 ship
31 cha = 14 cha (6) + 10 charisma + 1 exceptional + 4 tome + 2 ship
1 Toughness
3 Two Weapon Defense
6 Spring Attack
9 Empower Healing
12 Master of Forms
15 Greater Two Weapon Fighting
18 grand master of forms
Monk 1 dodge
Monk 2 mobility
Monk 6 Combat Expertise
21 epic toughness
24 bulwark of defense
26 epic skill focus intimidate
27 epic reflexes
28 epic mage armor
Physical Resistance: 134 = 25 (sacred defense) + 15 (grandmaster forms) + 10 (improved parry tempest) + 15 (iron skin) +5 (two weapon defense) +24 (ring from new quests) +15 (artifact) +10 (Heed no Pain passive) +15 (standing with stone)
Dodge: 32 dodge% = 7 (spring Attack) + 9 (enhancements) + 10 (item) + 6 (monk)
AC: 138 = 20% mountain stance + 10% combat expertise feat + 106 = 10 wisdom + 16 dexterity + 20 armor bonus (epic mage armor) + 8 shield + 8 protection + 9 natural armor + 4 parry insight + 6 Bulwark Aura +9 Hardened epic destiny + 5 sacred bonus unyielding sentinal +4 bulwark defense feat + 6 monk ac +1 halfling ac
Hit Points:
1083 = 20 (Heroic) + 10 (GH Favor) + 172 (base) + 80 (epic levels) + 70 (toughness feats) +50 gfl + 20 vitality +448 (con) +19 sacred defender +50 unyielding + 50 vigor + 15 standing with stone +50 white dragon armor set
Skill: Intimidate
98 = 23 Ranks + 5 enhancement + 20 competence +2 good luck +2 coin lord favor +10 charisma +5 unyielding +3 skill tome +6 exceptional cha skills +4 gh +8 epic skills levels +5 epic skill focus intimidate +6 draconic presence +3 exemplar -4 intimidate halfling
Intolerant Blow
Hate : 405% = 100% + 125 sacred +70 insight +100 divine righteousness +10% Exemplar
Healing Amp: 1.3 (30% item) * 1.2 (20% item) * 1.15 (shintao core 3) * 1.10(2 past lifes) * 1.10 (ship) * 1.10 (vigor stance)
Positive Spell Power: 298 = 114 devotion item? + 105 spell power (30 shintao+ 60 deepwood sniper + 19 sacred defender) + 75 empower healing.
Cocoon and regenerating lay on hands.
Fortification: 146%
Can not Fail Reflex on 1.
Saves: F: 82 = 17 (base) + 4 epic levels + 17 (con) + 10 resistance bonus + 3 Halflings saves and enhance +4 gh +4 insight +2 good luck + 10 charisma +3 saves for resilient defense +4 resistance aura +2 bulwark defense +2 brace for impact
Saves R: 83 = 14 base + 4 epic levels + 16 (dex) + 10 resistance bonus + 3 Halflings saves and enhance +4 gh +4 insight +2 good luck + 10 charisma +3 saves for resilient defense +4 resistance aura +2 bulwark defense +2 epic reflexes feat +3 improved reaction +2 brace for impact
Saves W: 69 = 11 base +4 epic levels + 10 wis + 10 resistance bonus + 3 Halflings saves and enhance +4 gh +4 insight +2 good luck + 10 charisma +3 saves for resilient defense +4 resistance aura +2 bulwark defense +2 brace for impact
Pally Defender
1 Holy Bastion
1 Divine Righteousness
1 Sacred Defense
3 Durable Defense
3 Inciting Defense
3 Resilient Defense
3 Bulwark Aura
3 Resistance Aura
2: Halfling Saves
2: halfling dex.
3: Acrobatic
3: Nimble Reactions +3 dodge cap and max dex bonus
3: Improved Dodge +3 dodge
Ninja spy
1 ninja training
1 faster sneaking
3 acrobatic
3 agility
1 Ninja Training
1 stealthy
1 Shadow Veil
1 Shield of whirling Steel
1 Tempest
1 Graceful Death
3 Improved Reaction
6 Improved Parry
3 Improved Dodge
3 Improved Mobility
1 Bastion of Purity
1 Protection of Tainted Creatures
1 Iron Hand
3 Exemplar
1 Reed in the Wind
2 Fists of Iron
6 Iron Skin
Deepwood Sniper
1 Far shot
3 increased empathy
1 versatile empathy
Epic Destiny
4 Brace for Impact
6 Con +3
3 Endless Lay on Hands
3 Block Energy
3 Hardened
2 Intolerant Blows
2 Purify Weapons
1 Endless Turning
Draconic Presence
Standing With Stone
Goggles: charisma +10 of Resistance +10 (green slot: +9 natural armor)
Helmet:: White Dragon +3 insight constitution (green slot: vitality +20)
Trinket: Prowress +3 insight dexterity
Armor: White Dragon Robe (blue slot: good luck)
Cloak: shroud triple air +6 charisma skills +300 spell points.
Bracer: parry VII and +20% healing amp
Gloves: Epic Gloves of Claw
Belt: +10 dexterity and +50 greater false life
Ring 1: Guardians ring +8 strength +24 sheltering yellow slot (imperial blood)
Ring 2: intimidate +20 of wisdom +10:
Boots: +10 con of dodge 10%
Celestia x2 one with devotion 114 slotted in red slot.