Fish go blub
Thanks for inspiring some searching.
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022
...and every single extra in this video is thinking, "Does this gig really make pursuing an acting career worth my time?"
"Why is stuff so hard?" - William Murderface
...well i just lost serveral thousand brain cells to that thx Mem :P
Originally Posted by Cordovan
Some people say, the grade of sutble irony in that music video is astonishing. A masterpiece of critics to the europe-pop-house ******** on a professional base.
I say, sometimes a ******** song is just a ******** song. Yet this is kind of acceptable compared to some of several german apre-ski or party-scene ''musicians'':
Google translate the lyrics on your own discretion. But I warned you. You will feel your brain shrinking....
Characters on Orien:
Wanzer/ Klingtanz/ Incanta Superior/ Mercantus
I am trying to study, and I think of answers to questions to lock in what I am reading, but every What? question seems to trigger a mental replay of 'What the fox say?', Grrrr!
1776 Growing Liberty for Centuries 2022