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  1. #1
    Community Member apekzz's Avatar
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    Default Update my Einstein Build for U19

    Sorry in advance for the wall of text.

    Hey forum gurus,
    I currently have a level 16 pure human arty build based off WoWo's Einstein build.

    With the changes to the Dragonmark feats, i was wondering how to revamp my arty especially feats and skills wise.

    Stats wise im thinking of
    @ level 1 = Strength :8 / Dexterity : 17 / Constitution : 14 / Intel : 17 / Wisdom : 8 / Charisma : 8
    @ level 20 = Strength :11 / Dexterity : 21* / Constitution : 17 / Intel : 24** / Wisdom : 11 / Charisma : 11
    * 1 level up in dex to qualify for combat archery.
    ** 4 level up in intel.
    +3 tomes applied at level 11.

    Feats wise im thinking of
    Heroic : Toughness , Precision , Insightful Reflexes , Quickdraw , Precise Shot , Spell Focus : Evocation , Greater Spell Focus : Evocation
    Bonus Human Feat : Point Blank Shot
    Artificer Feats : Improved Precise Shot , Dragonmark of Making , Improved Critical : Ranged , Maximise , Rapid Shot

    Skills :
    UMD , Spellcraft , Disable Device , Search , Balance , Tumble (1 rank) , Jump (10 ranks) , Spot , Heal , Concentration.

    Some facts bout the toon and myself.
    Toon is my crafter,hence the dm of making.
    if possible i would the toon to stay pure as tat increases my crafting levels as well.

    Thoughts,comments,suggestions are all welcomed.
    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    I would probably stick with just Spell Focus: Evocation and drop the Greater Spell Focus for Mental Toughness. For some bizarre reason Turbine decided to give the mental toughness feats spell crit bonuses and left the spell focus feats in their current underwhelming state. But, you need the first one for Magister and Draconic Incarnation.

    Toughness is kind of meh at the moment. It doesn’t open up any toughness enhancements anymore. So, you’re talking +31 hit points at cap.

    Skill Focus: Spellcraft may be something to consider. (+3 Spell Power)

    I’m still undecided about Construct Essence. The extra .5W damage is nice. But the animation takes forever and it’s easy to forget.

    You will want your first epic feat to be Combat Archery.

    Don’t forget to invest in Open Locks as well.

    Spend your action points in Battle Engineer first to get your crossbow and rune arm stuff. Then pick up stuff from Arcanotech. For human enhancements, you’re probably best off just picking up the Damage Boost, +1 INT and then Skill Boost.
    Last edited by QuantumFX; 09-07-2013 at 02:49 AM.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  3. #3
    Community Member
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    Pure Artis are better suited as casters than as repeater builds, now. There just isn't enough in BE to boost your xbow damage, but you can flesh out enough in Arcanotech to make your SLAs juicy, with free metas. Plus, Arti fleshies get a huge healing boost with the Critical Admixture SLA.

    Seeing as that's the case, I'd do the following feats, in no particular order:
    Spells) Emp, Maxi, Quicken, SF: Evo, GSF: Evo.
    Xbow) PBS, PS, IPS, IC:R, RS, Precision
    Misc) Ins Refl, DM Making.

    Just enough feat slots for a Human Arti to grab all those.

    I'd still take GSF: Evo over Mental Toughness. 1% crit < +1 DC to your spells, SLAs, and runearm attacks.

  4. #4
    Community Member Singular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by droid327 View Post
    Pure Artis are better suited as casters than as repeater builds, now. There just isn't enough in BE to boost your xbow damage, but you can flesh out enough in Arcanotech to make your SLAs juicy, with free metas. Plus, Arti fleshies get a huge healing boost with the Critical Admixture SLA.

    Seeing as that's the case, I'd do the following feats, in no particular order:
    Spells) Emp, Maxi, Quicken, SF: Evo, GSF: Evo.
    Xbow) PBS, PS, IPS, IC:R, RS, Precision
    Misc) Ins Refl, DM Making.

    Just enough feat slots for a Human Arti to grab all those.

    I'd still take GSF: Evo over Mental Toughness. 1% crit < +1 DC to your spells, SLAs, and runearm attacks.
    Why precision? Does it stack with Precise Shot?

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Singular View Post
    Why precision? Does it stack with Precise Shot?
    Yes, both Precision(fortification bypass) and one of two Precise stances can be toggled at the same time. Also u can turn on Poison stance from drow/assassin and Shiradi stances too. They all stacks now.

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