Sorry in advance for the wall of text.
Hey forum gurus,
I currently have a level 16 pure human arty build based off WoWo's Einstein build.
With the changes to the Dragonmark feats, i was wondering how to revamp my arty especially feats and skills wise.
Stats wise im thinking of
@ level 1 = Strength :8 / Dexterity : 17 / Constitution : 14 / Intel : 17 / Wisdom : 8 / Charisma : 8
@ level 20 = Strength :11 / Dexterity : 21* / Constitution : 17 / Intel : 24** / Wisdom : 11 / Charisma : 11
* 1 level up in dex to qualify for combat archery.
** 4 level up in intel.
+3 tomes applied at level 11.
Feats wise im thinking of
Heroic : Toughness , Precision , Insightful Reflexes , Quickdraw , Precise Shot , Spell Focus : Evocation , Greater Spell Focus : Evocation
Bonus Human Feat : Point Blank Shot
Artificer Feats : Improved Precise Shot , Dragonmark of Making , Improved Critical : Ranged , Maximise , Rapid Shot
Skills :
UMD , Spellcraft , Disable Device , Search , Balance , Tumble (1 rank) , Jump (10 ranks) , Spot , Heal , Concentration.
Some facts bout the toon and myself.
Toon is my crafter,hence the dm of making.
if possible i would the toon to stay pure as tat increases my crafting levels as well.
Thoughts,comments,suggestions are all welcomed.
Thank you.