Hiya all, here is an Iconic Sun Elf build I have made on live, it's a bit of a jack of all trades but is meant to be a substitute for a healer that also brings decent Ranged DPS, passable EVO DCs and some decent buffs such as Deadly Weapons etc.
So Sun Elfs, yeah what are they good for, they seem to be a funny sort of iconic with the cleric starting class yet are INT based, so taking this into account I thought I would try and build something that makes use of everything the sun elf has to offer, so I give you the Bee52:
Cleric 1, Artificer 18, Ranger 1.
Start Stats:
Str 8
Dex 16 (+3 tome for IPS)
Int 18 - All Level ups to INT.
Con 14
Wis 8
Cha 10
1. Cleric
2. to 19. Arti
20. Ranger
Feats as they fit:
7 Normal: Toughness, Empower Healing, Mental Toughness, Precise Shot, IMP Crit Ranged, Rapid Shot, IPS at Lvl 18.
4. Arti: Precise Shot, Empower, Quicken, Maximise
Morning Lord
Full Core Line of Morninglord, Granting 10 metres to PBS and two INT.
Rejuvenation to 2 and Blessing to 3, nets two total heals per rest and 3 uses of Mass AID, Spell Resistance and Death Ward per rest.
Arcanum 3 for 100 sp.
Core 1, another 5m to PBS making 15 metres total bonus.
Full empathy Line from Tier 1 for 75 Positive Spellpower.
Radiant Servant
Core 1
Maxed, Divine Cleansing, Altruism and Wand Mastery
Enough points spent in tree for Core 5 Critical admixture, Including +2 Int and SP bonuses etc.
Rest of points tov be spent as you see fit, I put mine into Battle Engineer.
Basically the build brings some excellent healing (especially once you have critical admixture) coupled with some decent xbow damage and buffs.
Its not a basic do nothing heal build that will heal party members without you being active.
More to come about post 20 once I have done some.