If you don't see anything you want, let me know and I can look around for it through guildies/friends
EE Steady Handed Armbands
Health 10 Ring of Heal/Protection/Speed(whatever exists...not sure what does)
EH/EE Helm of the Blue Dragon(Ins Wis)
EH/EE Helm of the White Dragon(Ins Str or Ins Con)
Planar Focus of Prowess(Ins Con)
+1 up to +4 (Riptide or Acid/Flaming/Shocking Burst) Handwraps of Lacerating(with or without Festival Icy Burst)
+1 Riptide Longbow of Lacerating(with or without Festival Icy Burst)
Raid Timer Bypasses
Globe of True Imperial Blood
+4 and +5 Stat tomes
Xx Elixir of Major Mnemonic Enhancement
Xx Potion of Wonder
+6 Drow Khopesh of the Weapon Master(Stunning +10)
Lesser Heart of Wood
600x Greater Gem of Ocean's Wind
9500x Greater Essences(bulk)(may have more, i dont count them too often)
1x Jeweler's Tool-kit
+4 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Balance)
+3 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Spellcraft)
+3 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Concentration)
+3 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Haggle)
+2 Upgrade Tome of Skill (Disable Device)
+3 Tome of Understanding (Wisdom)
+3 Upgrade Tome of Dexterity
+2 Tome of Dexterity
2x +2 Tome of Clear Thought (Intelligence)
2x +1 Tome of Understanding (Wisdom)
Alchemical Handwraps
Drow Smoke Goggles
HE Jorgundal's Collar
HE Jeweled Cloak
2x HE Crystalline Scepter
HE Adamantine Knuckles
EN Jeweled Cloak
EH Kardin's Eye
EH Greataxe of the Chained Soldier
EH Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
EH Axe of Adaxus
EH Arcing Sky
EE The Mountain's Fist
EE Daggertooth's Belt
2x EE Manacles of Ceaseless Toil
EE Adamantine Knuckles
EE Chill of Winter
EE Hammer of the Leaden Clouds
Scrolls(In Alphabetical Order):
1 Scroll of the Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
1 Scroll of the Antique Greataxe
2 Scroll of the Belt of the Mroranon
1 Scroll of the Big Top
1 Scroll of the Blademark's Docent
2 Scroll of the Boots of the Mire
1 Scroll of the Boots of Corrosion
1 Scroll of the Bow of Elements(Air)
1 Scroll of the Bracers of Deftness
1 Scroll of the Bracers of the Demon's Consort
1 Scroll of the Brimstone Verge
2 Scroll of the Chimera's Fang
3 Scroll of the Cloak of the Silver Concord
2 Scroll of the Docent of Grace
2 Scroll of the Docent of the Diabolist
2 Scroll of the Elder's Cap
1 Scroll of the Elder's Focus
1 Scroll of the Envenomed Blade
1 Scroll of the Firestorm Greaves
3 Scroll of the Flameward
1 Scroll of the Frozen Plate
1 Scroll of the Full Plate of the Ringleader
1 Scroll of the Fury of the Flame
1 Scroll of the Garos' Malice
1 Scroll of the Gem of Many Facets
1 Scroll of the Goggles of Time-Sensing
1 Scroll of the Golden Greaves
1 Scroll of the Golden Guile
1 Scroll of the Hammer of Life
1 Scroll of the Hellfire Crossbow
2 Scroll of the Hellstroke Greataxe
1 Scroll of the Helm of the Mroranon
1 Scroll of the Hruvayah's Medallion
2 Scroll of the Illusionist's Robe
2 Scroll of the Infested Armor
3 Scroll of the Ironweave Robe
1 Scroll of Kronzek's Cruelty
1 Scroll of the Kundarak Delving Goggles
2 Scroll of the Kundarak Delving Suit
3 Scroll of the Kundarak Warding Shield
1 Scroll of the Luminous Truth
2 Scroll of the Mask of Tragedy
1 Scroll of the Midnight Greetings
2 Scroll of the Necklace of the Azure Prophecy
2 Scroll of the Necklace of the Silver Prophecy
1 Scroll of the Necklace of Venom
1 Scroll of the Phiarlan Spy Dagger
2 Scroll of the Ring of Baphomet
1 Scroll of the Ring of Elemental Essence
1 Scroll of the Ring of Spell Storing
4 Scroll of the Ring of the Silver Concord
1 Scroll of the Ring of Venom
1 Scroll of the Robe of Dissonance
2 Scroll of the Robe of the Diabolist
4 Scroll of the Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
2 Scroll of the Scorched Bracers
1 Scroll of the Shaman's Beads
1 Scroll of the Shatterbow
1 Scroll of the Siren's Charm
1 Scroll of the Souleater
2 Scroll of the Staff of Nat Gann
2 Scroll of the Stonemeld Plate
1 Scroll of the Sword of Shadow
2 Scroll of the Templar's Bulwark
1 Scroll of the Templar's Retribution
1 Scroll of the Torc of Prince Raiyum-de II
2 Scroll of the Twisted Talisman
3 Scroll of the Unkor's Cleaver
1 Scroll of the Wolf Whistle
Please send tell/mail in-game to Spongecakes(easiest way to get a hold of me) or on forums