DDO Bonus Days brings you +1 Loot and +20% Heroic and Epic XP, now through September 8th!
DDO Bonus Days brings you +1 Loot and +20% Heroic and Epic XP, now through September 8th!
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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FYI, the extra bonus loot this weekend is our way to try to say "thank you" for your patience during our downtime last weekend. In case you were wondering why we're doubling up on our bonuses.![]()
Have fun, and don't forget to gather for buffs!
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Hello from Standing Stone Games! Facebook Twitter
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Shinies and more shinies! Yay!
DDO: If a problem cannot be solved by the application of DPS, you're not applying enough.
I hate to be mr negativity, but sorry, i did not have any patience last weekend, this does not in any meaningful way make up for it, and i don't appreciate what you did .
this is because the only reason you did the extra work was because you had failed to make the proper investments in your hardware and data infrastructure, including having redundancies available so when an "outside" provider screws up you have a backup way to keep the game online.
I love this game and want what is best for it, and unless you guys make a little less profit and make a bit more quality it is not going to be good.
Things like what you had happen last weekend, on a holiday no less, loses customers and generates bad publicity. having +1 loot this weekend in addition to some bonus xp does not do the equivalent in reverse.
Shmuel Xadin Xadins Errand Mohnster Yitzhak
Perfect timing. My TR is getting into the 14+ content tonight.
Some of us realize that Turbine is a company run by human beings that does business with companies run by other human beings. And, since there is not one perfect human being on the face of the earth, stuff happens. Sometimes it unfortunately happens on a holiday weekend. Since nothing humanly possible will ever give us back that time, Turbine is doing something to help ease the pain. I, for one, appreciate it. I especially appreciate the XP bonus since the most important thing I lost was time on my TR.
Thanks again Turbine!
Orien: Zizie, Zeelee, Zeeny, Zeety, Zeleste, Zeeby
Bio - Guild Leader of Roll For Initiative (Cannith Server)
Useful Links - Cannith Completionist List - DDO-Wrapper (custom installer) - Forum CSS Tweaks
Cannith Crafting Service - Collectible Farming - DDO Character Planner - CC Weapon Recipes Redux
UI Skinning - Rogue's Blackbird UI Skin
My Guides - BBcodes - Unlocking More Storage - Reduce File Size For Signature Image
My Builds - Epic Challenge Farmer v2 (Warlock) - Swiss Army Knife Challenge Farmer (Falconry)
The Pack Horse (mule)
thank you BUt...
You're saying a +1 today makes up for a +2 lost and all that downtime on top of it? I know you don't need to do anything because it "wasn't your fault".. Problems occur, we all realize that but HOW YOU make up the problem to the customer will always be remembered....
... here is a peanut butter samich because we burnt your Tenderloin... Meh
It should be a +3 loot weekend if you want to make amends for lost loot AND play time. +1 is ....
Turbined again.
Wait, can you hear it? Is it? The worlds smallest vio..nah... nevermind... it can't be, its too small..
I know we're among the minority here, for not agreeing with the fanbois, but I agree this doesn't make up for their recent blunders. Between the outage, the FUBAR'd raid lists, and the indefinitely out-of-service Sagas we deserve much more than a miniscule +1 loot bonus. To me, this is almost worse than getting no reparation at all. It's insulting.
I agree a +3 weekend would be acceptable. They should also give the players a 3x bonus point sale, too. We haven't had one in long time, and it would make a lot of people happy. Besides, you know... making a lot of money?
"I shall take your position into consideration. Well, it seems your terms are not acceptable." (c) Baal
Argonnessen :: Marche Funebre (200) : Leningradets / Zapasnoy / Grimstave / Rockernaut / Dociznogoud / Feldshaman