Unfortunately, it seems divine casters (Clerics and FvS., respectively) are getting the shaft when it comes to offensive spells. Sure, they got some great spells to use, like destruction, implosion, blade barrier, and maybe a few others at high levels, but what about low levels? There's little; Searing light is good vs. undead, as is Deific Vengeance, but otherwise, there's not much. Therefore, here are a few ideas I propose in order to make divines a bit more powerful, especially at lower levels:

  • Change poison to deal 1d8 poison damage per caster level in addition to con damage, both of which can also be enhanced by spell power. The reason I suggest 1d8 is that quite a few monsters can be resistant or immune to poison damage.
  • Change fire storm so it works like Acid Rain but dealing fire damage instead of acid. This will make it a unique spell with more value.
  • Add a few new ways by which blade barrier can be cast. For example, you could create a wall of blades, a X of blades, or a mobile blade barrier that can move randomly or follow an enemy, similar to the blade barriers Queen Liliat casts in Against the Demon Queen.
  • Uncap some of the maximum caster levels on spells. This can be done by either implementing a Tier 5 ability, working directly with the spells to remove the caps, or both. In particular, light spells and all the alignment spells at level 4 should have some method of having no maximum caster level.
  • Add new spells. I suppose I can list a few brief examples:
    • Shatter, 2nd level cleric/fvs spell. Costs 8 SP, and deals 1d3+3 sonic damage per caster level vs. constructs only. A successful fortitude save halves the damage, immobile or thinkless constructs receive no saving throw.
    • Evil purge, 3rd level cleric/fvs spell. A wave of pure good energy centered on you bursts forth with the radius of a cure spell. All evil monsters caught in its blast are dealt 1d3+3 good damage per caster level. Neutral and good monsters take no damage. A successful will save halves the damage. Additionally, if a target fails a will save, it must make a fortitude save or be dazed until struck.
    • Tangent light, 3rd level cleric/fvs spell: A erratic vortex of light shoots from you, dealing 1d2+1 light damage and 1d2+1 untyped damage per 2 caster levels to enemies that are in reach of it. A successful reflex save halves the damage and prevents them from being flown back. Additionally, the vortex moves in a erratic direction, subjecting enemies to additional hits. The vortex dissipates after 30 seconds, if it strikes a wall or falls more than 10 ft. Enemies killed by the vortex have a 25% chance of spawning another vortex.
