Just wondering if Animate Ally working as a rezz rather than raising another player as a zombie is working as intended. I can animate a hireling, which is funny, but, so far, not a fellow player.
Just wondering if Animate Ally working as a rezz rather than raising another player as a zombie is working as intended. I can animate a hireling, which is funny, but, so far, not a fellow player.
It's bugged on player characters and does not work WAI, this is in the known issues of DDO's current bugs.
Argonesson Server
Math Guild
Emmile Varsalle - Rogue, Allivue Varsalle - Arcane, Devonette Varsalle - Divine, Merulei Varsalle - Melee
Not that it really matters since the players dies shortly after being raised making it pointless (as if being a zombie is a big enough penalty)
Originally Posted by Cordovan
I hope they can fix it because it's a fantastic idea (provided dying as a player zombie doesn't constitute an extra death).
Hey guys,
As of Update 19 patch 2, this now works correctly as intended.
An animated ally will come back, full health, in zombie mode. They will start incurring escalating levels of damage. From my experiments with teammates, realistically you won't last longer than 4 minutes or so. (Our group is a bunch of Pale Masters healing each other, so we can heal our animated zombie ally).
The same is true for hirelings.
Animate ally raises them with full health and gives them a debuff called rotting or something like that. What that debuff does is every frew seconds you take damage and it adds a stack of its self. The more stacks you have the more damage you take. You also heal from negative energy, so If you stay in the PM's aura, you will heal just as fast as him. During the Mabar preview I had a chance to test it and it got my acrobat to 45 stacks before the damage got high enough that the aura would not sustain me through it. I think the damage increments every six seconds but I am not 100% sure on that so don't quote me on it.
I was able to leave the aura to kill things briefly and then return to get healed back up, and doing this allowed me to stay alive for quite some time. I imagine if your party had a palemaster and a negatively aligned divine disciple, then a animated ally could stay active for quite a long time before the damage was to great to sustain.
Last edited by Havok.cry; 10-03-2013 at 12:19 PM.
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